Saturday, November 2, 2013

This Month Virgo November 2013

This Month Virgo November 2013


While the month can get off to a rather hectic, scattered, and possibly difficult start, dear Virgo, you're likely to end it feeling that you've accomplished a lot. Mars is in your sign, and this influence tends to empower you with courage. However, with your ruler, Mercury, retrograde until the 10th, you may not be feeling quite so spontaneous and brave. Major decision making is best tackled after the 10th, when energy levels increase and indecisiveness no longer plagues you. As confident and energetic as you feel, however, avoid taking on too many new projects, as you're likely to feel their weight in the last week of the month, when you'll want nothing more than to spend your extra time relaxing at home. Moderation and focus are keys to success now. Circumstances can force you to rearrange your daily schedule or studies this month, and while there can be a lot of pressure to get organized, the end result is positive. Some might be dealing with previously buried family problems, a reality check in a learning endeavor or communications project, or transportation complications. Group and networking activities may take a hit. Your busy life may have pushed romantic matters to the back burner, but Venus entering your solar fifth house on November 5th, and transiting that sector of your chart for four months, romantic needs will make themselves known. For others, the need for entertainment, fun, and creative expression grows. Fortunately, you come across in an especially favorable light with this transit. 

This Month Scorpio November 2013

This Month Scorpio November 2013


 Self-involvement this month is actually quite natural and necessary, dear Scorpio, with Mercury, Saturn, and the Sun in your sign, and a Solar Eclipse occurring in Scorpio on the 3rd. This is a time for relying on yourself, making important internal changes, and greeting the world with more confidence and a healthy level of entitlement. If you are looking to change your image, now is a good time to do so. However, someone is likely to pull you out of your shell around the Full Moon on the 17th, which can alert you to relationship matters that need special attention. As well, be especially cautious that the words you use to express yourself this month are constructive, particularly until the 10th while Mercury is still retrograde in your sign. Your words have extra impact this month. Helping you out in this respect is compromising, graceful Venus in your communications sector from the 5th forward. You can express your affections poetically or persuasively. Personal pressures tend to ease from the 22nd forward, as the spotlight moves away from you a little and you can better tend to other concerns and interests. Friends this month can be your greatest supporters and allies, while those closer to you may not always see eye to eye with you. Romantic and creative projects move forward around this time as well.

This Month Aries November 2013

This Month Aries November 2013

There can be a need to take a hard look at both spending and debts this month, dear Aries, as you may be accountable for recent neglect or extravagance. Some of you could be dealing with this energy on an intimate level, and you might question issues of sharing, fairness, and power dynamics in a partnership. For example, circumstances may be such that you suddenly see huge imbalances or discrepancies. Fortunately, you have a lot of energy for work and self-care programs this month, and not a whole lot stands in the way of pursuing your goals. You can easily get all fired up and ready for action when it comes to tending to your daily routines, fitness, nutrition programs, and detail work. Work out frustrations or troubling emotions by keeping active and getting a lot of fresh air and light this month. Venus moves into your career and reputation sector on the 5th, helping to endear you to authority figures (bosses and parents, for example), the general public if appropriate, and to business colleagues. Transits of Venus to a house generally last about a month, but this one stretches on for four months, so you'll have plenty of time to win others over and advance your business goals. Pressures tend to ease from the 10th, and then even more so from the 22nd, when your overall focus shifts from dark and intense to outgoing and positive. The 18-19 is very strong for family relations and efforts to make both work and home life more balanced, organized, but also enjoyable.