Friday, May 9, 2014

This Month Sagittarius May 2014

This Month Sagittarius May 2014

Getting organized, improving health, increasing efficiency, and harmonizing with others are strong themes in May, dear Sagittarius, with emphasis on your solar sixth and seventh houses. It's a good month for solving problems, reorganizing, and tending to the practical details of your daily existence. Both physical and mental resistance are on the increase this month. Emphasis should be on getting a handle on the "little things" that make your life run more smoothly. Friendships and romance begin to straighten out from the 19th after a period of some confusion of boundaries or emotional complications. You're learning who is truly in your corner, and your own desires and affections become clearer. Your social circle is considerably warmer towards you now. Your ruler, Jupiter, is in great form this month, and this improves your general outlook as well as your personal magnetism. You are both optimistic and realistic now, and this can benefit many different life "departments". Good energy is with you for healing, stabilizing, and improving family and other intimate relationships. Help seems to be magically there when you need it. It's a time not only for healing, but also for laying down solid plans for future stability. This is also a favorable period for sharing some of your deeper feelings with a trusted person in your life. Finances can improve with a more reasonable approach. You instinctively move towards the middle ground between living in fear with regards to money, and putting too much faith in the future for ironing out problems you may be having now. Strong energy for attracting or enhancing a partnership is with you from the 21st forward.