Monday, October 6, 2014

This Month Aquarius October 2014

This Month Aquarius October 2014

While this is not the best month for making major moves, dear Aquarius, you are certainly in need of a change of scenery. If you haven't been feeding your need for adventure, even in the smallest of ways, then you'll be feeling very restless in October. An educational, publishing, or promotional effort can reach a satisfying peak. With a Lunar Eclipse and a kite formation involving sectors of your chart that rule your social life and communications from the 5-15, you'll be updating dysfunctional areas of your life. Although this is ultimately a breath of fresh air, there can be disruptions and disorientation in the interim. Influences on you now stimulate new thinking, different perspectives, a need for adventuresome experiences, and possibly travel and educational plans for some. There can be changes in your neighborhood or schooling, or with siblings. Events occurring now prompt a need to make changes in the way you get around, communicate, and express yourself, and possibly even the way you think. Attitudes need a makeover! There could be a big project culminating, a new car or method of transportation, or updates to equipment and devices, and these thing stimulate broad changes in the way you approach the world, opening up new opportunities as well. From the 4-10, reassess career or major life plan goals, and watch for slowdowns or mistakes that come from pushing things forward too soon. From the 10-25, take a second look at educational and travel plans. Pretty much all month, be especially mindful of what and how you communicate! Even so, don't hide yourself away, by any means, as others are a major key to opening the doors for positive change. The last week of the month brings fresh, congenial energy to your career. Some of you will be moving forward with more warmth and support from people in high places, and others are bringing more personal appeal to your professional life.


This Month Aries October 2014

This Month Aries October 2014

Wonderful energy is with you for hobbies, romance, entertainment, channels for self-expression, and the courage to express yourself more freely, dear Aries. Your open spirits can bring new opportunities into your life, and your enterprising spirit suggests that you'll make new opportunities for yourself! Creativity finds a successful channel or outlet. This month, you could meet someone or come across information who/that changes your perspective and awakens you from the inside out. This is a time of possible breakthroughs. A personal project or matter reaches a head around the 8th when the Lunar Eclipse occurs in your sign, and it's happening around the same time that a kite forms involving your ruler, Mars. You can consider this time a personal awakening of sorts, and a significant person in your life or relationship status plays a large role in this. This can even be a situation in which you are motivated to do your best by a competitor or opponent. Observe, take notes, and be brave. Mercury is either retrograde or in its retrograde shadow all month, so put off new contracts and enterprises, but keep yourself active reviewing and revising, adjusting and tweaking. Pay special attention to information surfacing and new insights into relationships on the 15-17. You could be coming to new conclusions about old relationships, and some of you could reconnect with a person from your past. There can be a need to take a hard look at both spending and debts this month, as you may be accountable for recent neglect or extravagance. This energy might manifest on an intimate level, and you might question issues of sharing, fairness, and power dynamics in a partnership, as you can be seeing big discrepancies now. You can really benefit from studying and learning, and especially brushing up on your skills as you are beginning a professional peak of activity, bravery, and enterprise on October 26th.