Sunday, February 1, 2015

Year Libra 2015

 Year Libra 2015

Jupiter continues to bring benefits through your friendships, fills you with ideas and hope regarding the future, and rewards your efforts to reach out to others in 2015, dear Libra. You'll feel this most from April through June, but to some degree as well from the beginning of the year up until August 11th. Team or group work and networking bring opportunities and fill you with much happiness and hope. You'll also be actively reshaping your image, presenting a more authentic and confident "you" to the world, and learning the benefits of independence, healthy self-assertion, and self-assurance. This "lesson" is with you until October-November, when you begin to see the benefits of enjoying moments of stillness and solitude - getting more comfortable with alone time, as well as spiritual renewal. However, the groundwork is laid for these things starting mid-August, when Jupiter moves into your spiritual twelfth house. This new trend is, in many ways, a quiet, preparatory stage. However, it has its distinct benefits. Faith in your intuition builds as you search within and find answers. Compassion also increases, and you can find great satisfaction in helping and supporting others. You might work on ridding yourself of unhealthy guilt and a state of feeling in debt to others spiritually. While this is a somewhat private period, and happily so, it's also a time when centering yourself and coming to peace with yourself improves your communications and personal presentation. There can be work done behind the scenes now, which you may only be ready to release a year from now.
March and April can be an important period for starting a new job or health program. April brings a Lunar Eclipse in your sign, making it a good time to release or publish a project, make a career change, take on a new role, come out with a new look or image, or otherwise express yourself in new and exciting ways - you'll pull it all off. In the summer, you're likely to be dealing with financial problems that you may have left undone, unfinished, or interrupted. August can involve some issues to sort out with friends. From September forward, pressures on finances ease considerably. Ideally, you're in a much better, more mature place on this level. You know what you're capable of bringing in, and you have money matters sorted out and organized going forward. Helping you along is a wonderful aspect between your finance ruler, Pluto, and lucky Jupiter from October forward (until June 2016). This is a time for financial renewal, rebuilding, strategy, and improvement. It's also a powerful time for healing and strengthening family ties. You are becoming very comfortable with yourself on the inside, which of course will benefit you across the board. You do need to watch that you don't overdo service to others if it's interfering with self-care, and for escapist tendencies. Don't hide yourself away from responsibilities, as tempting as it may be.
However, from September 17-October 9, take the time to back up and reassess recent projects, ideas, decisions, and endeavors rather than push forward blindly. It's an important time for making adjustments and important edits. While the last week of June through to early August stimulates a surge of ambition and energy for achieving your career goals, watch for over the top or impulsive actions and decisions from June 24-July 16. If courage is what you need to make important changes, then you'll find it then, but be sure that you know what you're doing. New energy is with you for disciplining yourself mentally in 2015 - a trend that will continue until 2017. For much of this year, Saturn is in positive relationship to your sign, and this fact alone helps to ease pressure on your physical body and stimulates a more positive attitude towards taking on responsibilities. However, as you adjust to this energy, you may feel some pressure mentally - to get organized, manage your daily affairs in a more orderly manner, and pay closer attention to time management. In time, you'll be working on honing and sharpening your communication skills, and you may be learning to communicate with more authority, or learning a particular skill or topic more deeply. With Jupiter in your privacy zone and stern Saturn in your communications sector, there will be times from mid-September forward when others find you hard to reach. Personal magnetism and sex appeal receive a huge boost from mid-November to December 4th, although most of October is also quite good for attracting positive attention.

Year Aries 2015

 Year Aries 2015

The year ahead is strong for both work and play, dear Aries, even if there are times when you're inclined to overdo either of these things! While all Aries are feeling the need to assert their independence and live life on their own terms this year, those Aries born April 2-11, or with an Ascendant from 12 to 21 Aries, are feeling this energy most directly and acutely. Pluto continues to transform your attitudes towards career and reputation, and has the most direct effect on Aries born April 3-6 (13 to 15-1/2 degrees Aries Ascendants as well). You'll be dealing with anger issues and attitudes towards authority, peaking in March.
The first half of the year encourages you to open up, enjoy yourself, share yourself, and forgive yourself! It's a strong period for discovering or rediscovering hobbies or channels for entertainment and recreation. For some, this is a time of experimenting with and enjoying casual dating and romantic relationships. From April 9-June13 is a better period for these things. Review new creative plans January 21-February 11, and see them take off from mid-June. You'll have more courage to express your ideas and share your projects then, as well as a boost from a Jupiter-Uranus connection. The strongest period for romance, creative expression, hobbies, recreation, entertainment, and relationships with children is April 9 to July 25th, peaking around July 1st. There can be a second chance or connection to the past in the first week of August, but perhaps some difficulties making choices as well.
Take time to reassess these areas from July 25-September 6 while Jupiter finishes up its transit of your romance and creativity sector and Venus retrogrades here as well. At this time, you're transitioning to a stage that emphasizes growth in work, while recreational and romantic activities begin to take a back seat. Although this may not sound exciting now, the good news is that you're truly enjoying work and service, finding more joy and happiness in doing what you love, in the second half of 2015. As such, this is a happy, willing shift of focus, not a dutiful one. From mid-August forward is a strong time for work matters, although also a busy period, and sometimes overwhelmingly so, for supporting and helping out others or doing a lot of detail work. From October, however, there is more recognition, purpose, determination, and strength in what you're doing, as well as increased clout in your career. Many of you could be specializing and doing especially well with this narrower focus. You're in high demand for your work and talents this Fall and Winter!
This can also be a strong period for new health regimes, methods, and plans. This can be a time for learning about new ways to improve your health and daily life. At the very least, there can be more optimism here and an improved attitude towards health and wellness. Rediscovering the joys of work and service can also help to improve health. You may be an authority on a topic and your work/business can involve teaching and sharing your knowledge, which requires more dedication to learning. There may be a wider audience for your products or services.
On the more challenging side in 2015, there could be issues to deal with that limit independence and freedom, legal matters, matters of confinement or hiatus, or the need to tend to the care of others. From mid-June to mid-September, many of you will be returning to financial or intimate challenges that were left undone in 2014 for resolution.
Continuing until October-November, you are reassessing your relationship needs, and particularly concerning committed partnerships - an area of your life that has been strained in recent years. You're learning what it is you need in this area of life in order to be happy. This can range from making a commitment to deciding that it's not for you, but whatever the choice, it's a more definite one. The Lunar Eclipses this year, first in April and then in September, will help push the matter. In November and December, you begin a cycle in which work, health, and wellness are both challenging and joyous. You're getting a cosmic push to find your joy through improving your attitude towards work and daily routines. Lifestyle changes can be big ones with long-term benefits.
There can be the beginnings of a nice period of focus on education, whether this is formal or you're going the self-taught or online route. You can be putting more effort and responsibility into learning. From now and until 2017, it's important for you to learn a lot about your trade as that is when your professional peak occurs. February 20-March 31 is powerful for making money, and is probably the best period of the year in this regard. Out of the box ideas for making money can come from April 18-June 1st. While this is a great time for generating ideas, be sure you don't go overboard with spending. In the summer, tend to debts owed and do this as responsibly as possible. You can no longer turn a blind eye to problems in this area. Personal appeal is strong during the same money window mentioned above, but mainly from February 21-March 16, as well as June 28-July 10.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

This Month Sagittarius November 2014

This Month Sagittarius
 November 2014

The first few weeks of November may be a rather non-public, contemplative, and presumably withdrawn time for you, expensive Sagittarius. you may be managing plenty behind the scenes, and presumably some challenges you've got chosen to stay covert. Events may be specified you request and obtain closure on varied matters. In fact, this is often the last Sun transit of your star twelfth house that you're going to expertise whereas Saturn's still transiting this same house this point around, thus you are probably to be doing plenty of "tidying" on Associate in Nursing emotional and religious level. you may be managing personal limitations stemming from your service-oriented responsibilities to others. From mid-month forward, you start to expertise a lot of feelings of freedom and lightness. There may be a stronger, and increasing, feeling of growth and religion in yourself additionally as your web. All month, there may be sensible opportunities for applying yourself to business and sensible affairs. it is a sensible plan to avoid thoughtlessness together with your cash. you may feel reason to defend yourself, your values, and also the respect you merit. There may be many sensible opportunities for increasing your financial gain this month, most notably round the 10-12 and 17-18, but again, it is vital to avoid risky and impulsive moves. There may be a spotlight on a lot of autonomy once it involves cash. Finances may be a hot topic and there may be some volatility concerned. The last week of November will feel pretty much sort of a personal new starting, and this continues into December. Travel, publishing, academic, promotional, and legal matters will play a job during this. whereas you are probably to receive plenty of positive attention from mid-month forward, you're feeling at your only from the twenty second forward.

This Month Aquarius November 2014

There will be some slowdowns, reality checks, or break in momentum occurring in your career, pricey Aquarius, however it is also a time after you will very revisit heading in the right direction and arranged. whereas things might not be moving forward terribly quickly, you'll be gaining necessary ground in less obvious ways in which, like by gaining respect from folks you're employed for and with or developing new skills that may profit you within the future. for a few of you, there will be a desire to structure. From mid-month forward, your money image will improve, otherwise you notice it abundant easier to measure on less and wear down uncertainty. you are gaining additional religion in your own abilities and seeing potential advantages and resources in places you hadn't antecedently looked or acknowledged. because the month progresses, you become more and more curious about fulfilling happiness goals and fewer centered on performance. With Mars in your privacy sector all month, there might be stress on operating in isolation or behind the scenes. Your energy levels might not be at their best, as you need longer for rest and contemplation. you would possibly even be addressing a shuffling of your priorities, desires, or comes, and this could be a short lived drain on your levels of motivation. engaged on your own at your own pace would be ideal, if you'll manage it. Mars can enter your register Gregorian calendar month fourth, after you can feel additional externally effective, assertive, and decisive. The last week of Nov is robust for social affairs, each romantic and business partnerships, negotiations and agreements, and community or cluster involvement. There will be a brand new starting of kinds with an acquaintance, otherwise you might be broadening your horizons through networking and meeting attention-grabbing folks. Existing relationships will be rejuvenated, and you would possibly renew your interest in "old" pleasures, pleasurable activities, and pastimes.

This Month Aries November 2014

This can be an influence amount for your career or role as leader/caregiver, dear Aries. you're prepared and willing to perform, a lot of bold than usual, and energized concerning following your goals. individuals might acknowledge you as a pacesetter or a pioneer this month - at the terribly least, competent and take-charge. you'll need a lot of of this type of energy towards the top of the year and into Gregorian calendar month, however energies seasoned currently will function a true push or jumpstart. There will be realities to face once it involves intimate relationships, sexuality, finances, emotional or funding, taxes, and debts this month. It's to your profit to strategize, plan, and structure. Gregorian calendar month may be a time for obtaining serious concerning cash owed, and taking mature action to mend downside areas. it is a super powerful month for kicking dangerous habits and addictions. a trifle self-honesty goes an extended means immediately. serving to you on is Neptune's direct motion mid-month, supplying you with a true sense that you just aren't a victim of your fears, guilty feelings, and past. you'll be able to take steps to use your magnified imagination and compassion in positive, constructive ways that. conjointly starting mid-month, you develop a stronger style for expressing yourself freely and ad lib, and also the last week of Gregorian calendar month cements this. this is often a time for extremely branching out and reaching so much on the far side your traditional boundaries. If romance is featured, it's a flavor of freedom and journey. Areas of life that profit the foremost embody travel, education, romance, creativity, children, hobbies, publishing, and recreation. a number of you'll become revealed or a lot of wide noted. There could also be opportunities to expand and promote. However, do your best to urge your personal affairs so as in order that you'll be able to take higher advantage of opportunities that do arise. Personally, you're being force up and out of yourself, a lot of willing to require on a challenge, to succeed in dead set others, and to take a position in your belief in yourself.