Sunday, February 1, 2015

Year Libra 2015

 Year Libra 2015

Jupiter continues to bring benefits through your friendships, fills you with ideas and hope regarding the future, and rewards your efforts to reach out to others in 2015, dear Libra. You'll feel this most from April through June, but to some degree as well from the beginning of the year up until August 11th. Team or group work and networking bring opportunities and fill you with much happiness and hope. You'll also be actively reshaping your image, presenting a more authentic and confident "you" to the world, and learning the benefits of independence, healthy self-assertion, and self-assurance. This "lesson" is with you until October-November, when you begin to see the benefits of enjoying moments of stillness and solitude - getting more comfortable with alone time, as well as spiritual renewal. However, the groundwork is laid for these things starting mid-August, when Jupiter moves into your spiritual twelfth house. This new trend is, in many ways, a quiet, preparatory stage. However, it has its distinct benefits. Faith in your intuition builds as you search within and find answers. Compassion also increases, and you can find great satisfaction in helping and supporting others. You might work on ridding yourself of unhealthy guilt and a state of feeling in debt to others spiritually. While this is a somewhat private period, and happily so, it's also a time when centering yourself and coming to peace with yourself improves your communications and personal presentation. There can be work done behind the scenes now, which you may only be ready to release a year from now.
March and April can be an important period for starting a new job or health program. April brings a Lunar Eclipse in your sign, making it a good time to release or publish a project, make a career change, take on a new role, come out with a new look or image, or otherwise express yourself in new and exciting ways - you'll pull it all off. In the summer, you're likely to be dealing with financial problems that you may have left undone, unfinished, or interrupted. August can involve some issues to sort out with friends. From September forward, pressures on finances ease considerably. Ideally, you're in a much better, more mature place on this level. You know what you're capable of bringing in, and you have money matters sorted out and organized going forward. Helping you along is a wonderful aspect between your finance ruler, Pluto, and lucky Jupiter from October forward (until June 2016). This is a time for financial renewal, rebuilding, strategy, and improvement. It's also a powerful time for healing and strengthening family ties. You are becoming very comfortable with yourself on the inside, which of course will benefit you across the board. You do need to watch that you don't overdo service to others if it's interfering with self-care, and for escapist tendencies. Don't hide yourself away from responsibilities, as tempting as it may be.
However, from September 17-October 9, take the time to back up and reassess recent projects, ideas, decisions, and endeavors rather than push forward blindly. It's an important time for making adjustments and important edits. While the last week of June through to early August stimulates a surge of ambition and energy for achieving your career goals, watch for over the top or impulsive actions and decisions from June 24-July 16. If courage is what you need to make important changes, then you'll find it then, but be sure that you know what you're doing. New energy is with you for disciplining yourself mentally in 2015 - a trend that will continue until 2017. For much of this year, Saturn is in positive relationship to your sign, and this fact alone helps to ease pressure on your physical body and stimulates a more positive attitude towards taking on responsibilities. However, as you adjust to this energy, you may feel some pressure mentally - to get organized, manage your daily affairs in a more orderly manner, and pay closer attention to time management. In time, you'll be working on honing and sharpening your communication skills, and you may be learning to communicate with more authority, or learning a particular skill or topic more deeply. With Jupiter in your privacy zone and stern Saturn in your communications sector, there will be times from mid-September forward when others find you hard to reach. Personal magnetism and sex appeal receive a huge boost from mid-November to December 4th, although most of October is also quite good for attracting positive attention.

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