Friday, August 16, 2013

horoscope daily Aries Aug - Sep 2013

 horoscope daily Aries Aug - Sep 2013

Jul 31, 2013 (Jul 30, 2013 to Aug 2, 2013) Moo 3rd H.

Your communication and interaction with others is colored by emotional considerations and your need to have an emotional rapport and to feel a kinship with others. However, events from the past and subjective assessments and feelings which may have little basis in the present may also influence your thinking at this time.

Aug 3, 2013 (Aug 2, 2013 to Aug 2, 2013) Moo Sqr Asc

You are apt to feel at odds with yourself or other people right now, as if you can't quite get into a comfortable rhythm or flow with what is happening in your environment. Oversensitivity and childish impulses are stronger than usual.

Aug 3, 2013 (Aug 1, 2013 to Aug 5, 2013) Moo 4th H.

Your desire for comfort, security, and privacy is stronger now and spending some quality time with your family or by yourself at home is satisfying. This is a time for going within to replenish yourself in order to meet the challenges and stresses of your usual activities. Domestic or family matters are emphasized.

Aug 5, 2013 (Aug 5, 2013 to Aug 5, 2013) Moo Trine Asc

Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. You're likely to take the path of least resistance and to stay with whatever has proven trustworthy and safe, rather than making significant changes. Relationships with females are helpful now.

Aug 5, 2013 (Aug 5, 2013 to Aug 7, 2013) Moo 5th H.

Now is a time for coming out of your shell, expressing your real desires and feelings, and openly displaying the caring you feel for others.

Also, your playful, fun-loving, or dramatic side is accentuated. You can enjoy sports, games, entertainment, and creative activities.

Aug 7, 2013 (Aug 7, 2013 to Aug 7, 2013) Moo Qucnx Asc

Females in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Other people's idiosyncrasies, personalities, prejudices, or subjective judgments grate against you at this time also, especially when they clash with your own.

You want familiarity, homogeneity, a sense of belonging, and mutual support at this time. You will be less open to and less successful with people or situations which are vastly different from the ones you already know.

Aug 7, 2013 (Aug 7, 2013 to Aug 10, 2013) Moo 6th H.

Now you tend to put your feelings on hold while you attend to practical demands and necessities. Taking care of immediate responsibilities and situations that arise at work requires your attention.

Concern over health, diet and nutrition, putting your life in order, and self-improvement is also accentuated.

Aug 8, 2013 (Aug 8, 2013 to Aug 9, 2013) Mer Trine Asc

Communications are excellent now. You come across clearly and present yourself articulately. Public speaking, interviews, and other transactions with the public are favored. Conversations you have at this time go smoothly, and an agreement can be reached.

Aug 8, 2013 (Aug 7, 2013 to Aug 23, 2013) Mer 5th H.

Entertainment and amusements that are mentally challenging, such as chess, crossword puzzles, or other word games, have a strong appeal to you now. You will also enjoy dramatic presentations, the theater, creative writing and, if you have natural leanings in any of these areas, you will be inspired with ideas for future creative projects.

Aug 10, 2013 (Aug 10, 2013 to Aug 10, 2013) Moo Oppos Asc

Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs. You seek out the familiar and find ways to establish an emotional rapport with other people. Differences between people or encountering strangers may bother you more than usual.

Aug 10, 2013 (Aug 9, 2013 to Aug 12, 2013) Moo 7th H.

Since all close relationships require "care and feeding" in order to remain healthy and strong, it is a good idea to devote some attention and time to them regularly. And now is the time for you to do that! Your ties to women and your need to connect with important females in your life is emphasized.

Aug 12, 2013 (Aug 12, 2013 to Aug 12, 2013) Moo Qucnx Asc

Females in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Other people's idiosyncrasies, personalities, prejudices, or subjective judgments grate against you at this time also, especially when they clash with your own.

You want familiarity, homogeneity, a sense of belonging, and mutual support at this time. You will be less open to and less successful with people or situations which are vastly different from the ones you already know.

Aug 12, 2013 (Aug 11, 2013 to Aug 14, 2013) Moo 8th H.

You have concerns about money, jointly-held assets and property, or personal belongings to which there is an emotional attachment and you tend to react as you always have in the past rather than viewing these issues objectively. Also, your emotions are more intense and you may overreact to some encounter.

Aug 14, 2013 (Aug 14, 2013 to Aug 14, 2013) Moo Trine Asc

Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. You're likely to take the path of least resistance and to stay with whatever has proven trustworthy and safe, rather than making significant changes. Relationships with females are helpful now.

Aug 14, 2013 (Aug 13, 2013 to Aug 16, 2013) Moo 9th H.

The desire to go on a mini-vacation or a getaway from your usual concerns is strong now and if you can do so, go and enjoy yourself.

Putting things in perspective, getting an overview of the daily matters that normally take up so much of your time, and doing something that expands your horizons are accentuated.

Aug 16, 2013 (Aug 16, 2013 to Aug 17, 2013) Ven Oppos Asc

This is a very positive time in your marriage or closest one-to-one relationships. Your need to be together and to share loving feelings is very strong. You want to give to your friends and loved ones and may spend generously in order to make them happy. You may also meet someone now who is very good for you.

Aug 16, 2013 (Aug 15, 2013 to Sep 11, 2013) Ven 7th H.

This is a very favorable time for meeting people, particularly potential friends or romantic partners. You are feeling especially open-hearted and will find that others are very receptive to your friendly overtures. You want companionship and affection very much at this time and will not want to go it alone. If you are married, the love and attention you give to your mate will make your relationship much smoother and happier.

Aug 16, 2013 (Aug 14, 2013 to Aug 18, 2013) Sun/Sat Oppos Asc

You could be a bit serious in your relationships at this time. You want to be sure that your status is secure and may hold back a little in showing your feelings. This is a time when dignity and commitment are vital in working with other people.

Aug 16, 2013 (Aug 16, 2013 to Aug 16, 2013) Moo Sqr Asc

You are apt to feel at odds with yourself or other people right now, as if you can't quite get into a comfortable rhythm or flow with what is happening in your environment. Oversensitivity and childish impulses are stronger than usual.

Aug 16, 2013 (Aug 15, 2013 to Aug 18, 2013) Moo 10th H.

Concerns about your career, work, long-range goals and life direction, reputation and public image, and professional issues arise now.

Whatever you do tends to be more open, more public, and more available for the world to see. People see more of the private or personal side of you - whether you want them to or not.

Aug 18, 2013 (Aug 18, 2013 to Aug 18, 2013) Moo Sxtil Asc

You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. A nostalgic mood is accented.

Aug 18, 2013 (Aug 17, 2013 to Aug 20, 2013) Moo 11th H.

A need for community, fellowship, emotional contact with kindred spirits, friendship, and supportive others is accentuated now. Deepening the closeness between yourself and others beyond your most immediate family is very worthwhile now. Also, cultural events or participating in some group effort is satisfying.

Aug 20, 2013 (Aug 20, 2013 to Aug 21, 2013) Mer/Sat Oppos Asc

You may come across as serious, even closed and non-communicative, at this time. However, you may be very precise in what you have to say which can bring clarity to your relationships. Taking the time to get your thoughts in order before speaking is appropriate now.

Aug 21, 2013 (Aug 19, 2013 to Aug 23, 2013) Moo 12th H.

You are apt to feel especially sensitive, moody, and desirous of privacy and solitude. You may instinctively wish to shield yourself from emotions and problems of others. This is a good time for peaceful meditation, contemplation, and spiritual renewal.

Aug 22, 2013 (Aug 22, 2013 to Aug 23, 2013) Sun Qucnx Asc

At this time, you may need to acquiesce, accommodate, or make adjustments for other people for the sake of expediency. That is, it will be less strain to step aside than to tangle with the opposition. You may be humbled now, see the flaws in your course of action or your attitude towards a situation, and remedy some of your errors. If you are unwilling to do this, a general sense of static or dissonance both within and without is likely.

Aug 22, 2013 (Aug 21, 2013 to Sep 22, 2013) Sun 6th H.

Doing your best work and taking pride in it are a focus for you now. This is a good time to examine how you use your time and energy, with an eye to improving your efficiency and productivity.

Health matters are also a concern of yours now, and you may be inspired to begin a self-improvement program, create better health habits, or begin a new diet or fitness regimen.

Aug 23, 2013 (Aug 23, 2013 to Aug 23, 2013) Moo Conj Asc

Emotional impulses, moods, and childlike behavior or desires dominate you now and you are apt to do what you feel like doing rather than what you need to or "should" do. All of your emotions are intensified.

Aug 23, 2013 (Aug 23, 2013 to Aug 25, 2013) Moo 1st H.

You are more perceptive and sensitive and easily affected by what is going on in your environment, particularly the feelings and emotional currents of the people around you. Being at home or in a comfortable, supportive atmosphere feels best. You're inclined to lack objectivity and to react from habit or past conditioning rather than doing what you think or know logically to be the best course.

Aug 23, 2013 (Aug 23, 2013 to Aug 24, 2013) Mer Qucnx Asc

This is a time when short trips, excursions, errands, etc. are interfered with. You will have to adjust your plans or appointments to accommodate an inconvenience. You may also have to re-examine some matter you believed to have already been concluded and resolved. Negotiations are apt to be strained and awkward, although direct confrontation is unlikely.

Aug 23, 2013 (Aug 23, 2013 to Sep 9, 2013) Mer 6th H.

Thinking, reading, and learning about how to improve your work, or some aspect of it, is on the agenda now. You may learn a new technique. Discussions with co-workers, employers, and employees are likely to be fruitful, and minor but beneficial changes are likely to result.

Talking about any health concerns you may have, (with someone knowledgeable) is also helpful at this time.

Aug 25, 2013 (Aug 25, 2013 to Aug 27, 2013) Moo 2nd H.

This is a time for taking care of your possessions and personal belongings. Simple activities such as washing your car, putting your home in order, maintaining your yard, or attending to your wardrobe give you a sense of satisfaction and security. See what you can do to secure your valuables or your finances.

You also tend to spend money on impulse or whim, especially on something that has more emotional appeal than practical value.

Aug 27, 2013 (Aug 27, 2013 to Aug 27, 2013) Moo Sxtil Asc

You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. A nostalgic mood is accented.

Aug 27, 2013 (Aug 27, 2013 to Aug 30, 2013) Moo 3rd H.

Your communication and interaction with others is colored by emotional considerations and your need to have an emotional rapport and to feel a kinship with others. However, events from the past and subjective assessments and feelings which may have little basis in the present may also influence your thinking at this time.

Aug 27, 2013 (Aug 26, 2013 to Aug 29, 2013) Mar Trine Asc

At this time it is easy for you to express yourself boldly and confidently. You seem to care less about outside approval and this frees you to act on your own behalf or to do something you have not had the courage to attempt before. Your health and vitality are quite good, and you need physical outlets for your energies now.

Aug 27, 2013 (Aug 26, 2013 to Oct 15, 2013) Mar 5th H.

Your drive for self-expression is high now and you pour yourself into competitive sports and games, contests, auditions, and so on with great energy and zeal. You play hard and you play to win. All creative projects and interests will get an extra burst of energy.

Romantic urges also run high and you will actively pursue the one you desire. A love relationship is likely to intensify at this time.

Aug 28, 2013 (Aug 26, 2013 to Aug 30, 2013) Cer Qucnx Asc

Doubts about the love and concern you are receiving from family members and loved ones can manifest during this period. Your fears of rejection, abandonment, and separation may be projected onto your mate, children, and other loved ones. Relationships will remain stressful and in turmoil until you can release your feelings of inadequacy and incompetence in giving and receiving supportive family nurturing and care. You need to experience self-love and acceptance, either from those you care about or by letting go of your own critical beliefs. On the positive side, you can emerge from this period with more compassion and sensitivity toward loved ones, once you free yourself from being too dependent upon them.

Aug 30, 2013 (Aug 30, 2013 to Aug 30, 2013) Moo Sqr Asc

You are apt to feel at odds with yourself or other people right now, as if you can't quite get into a comfortable rhythm or flow with what is happening in your environment. Oversensitivity and childish impulses are stronger than usual.

Aug 30, 2013 (Aug 29, 2013 to Sep 1, 2013) Moo 4th H.

Your desire for comfort, security, and privacy is stronger now and spending some quality time with your family or by yourself at home is satisfying. This is a time for going within to replenish yourself in order to meet the challenges and stresses of your usual activities. Domestic or family matters are emphasized.

Aug 30, 2013 (Aug 30, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013) Mer/Ven Oppos Asc

You should be able to communicate in a highly effective manner right now. This comes from your ability to see yourself clearly and in a loving way. You can present yourself in a very positive light and come across very well with lightness and ease.

Sep 1, 2013 (Sep 1, 2013 to Sep 1, 2013) Moo Trine Asc

Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. You're likely to take the path of least resistance and to stay with whatever has proven trustworthy and safe, rather than making significant changes. Relationships with females are helpful now.

Sep 1, 2013 (Aug 31, 2013 to Sep 4, 2013) Moo 5th H.

Now is a time for coming out of your shell, expressing your real desires and feelings, and openly displaying the caring you feel for others.

Also, your playful, fun-loving, or dramatic side is accentuated. You can enjoy sports, games, entertainment, and creative activities.

Sep 2, 2013 (Sep 1, 2013 to Sep 3, 2013) Sun/Ven Oppos Asc

This can be a great time for you to present yourself to others in the best possible way. You can be radiant now, letting the love shine through you and making others feel welcome and appreciated by you. You may well be a pleasure to be with.

Sep 4, 2013 (Sep 4, 2013 to Sep 4, 2013) Moo Qucnx Asc

Females in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Other people's idiosyncrasies, personalities, prejudices, or subjective judgments grate against you at this time also, especially when they clash with your own.

You want familiarity, homogeneity, a sense of belonging, and mutual support at this time. You will be less open to and less successful with people or situations which are vastly different from the ones you already know.

Sep 4, 2013 (Sep 4, 2013 to Sep 6, 2013) Moo 6th H.

Now you tend to put your feelings on hold while you attend to practical demands and necessities. Taking care of immediate responsibilities and situations that arise at work requires your attention.

Concern over health, diet and nutrition, putting your life in order, and self-improvement is also accentuated.

Sep 6, 2013 (Sep 6, 2013 to Sep 6, 2013) Moo Oppos Asc

Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs. You seek out the familiar and find ways to establish an emotional rapport with other people. Differences between people or encountering strangers may bother you more than usual.

Sep 6, 2013 (Sep 6, 2013 to Sep 8, 2013) Moo 7th H.

Since all close relationships require "care and feeding" in order to remain healthy and strong, it is a good idea to devote some attention and time to them regularly. And now is the time for you to do that! Your ties to women and your need to connect with important females in your life is emphasized.

Sep 8, 2013 (Sep 8, 2013 to Sep 8, 2013) Moo Qucnx Asc

Females in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Other people's idiosyncrasies, personalities, prejudices, or subjective judgments grate against you at this time also, especially when they clash with your own.

You want familiarity, homogeneity, a sense of belonging, and mutual support at this time. You will be less open to and less successful with people or situations which are vastly different from the ones you already know.

Sep 8, 2013 (Sep 8, 2013 to Sep 11, 2013) Moo 8th H.

You have concerns about money, jointly-held assets and property, or personal belongings to which there is an emotional attachment and you tend to react as you always have in the past rather than viewing these issues objectively. Also, your emotions are more intense and you may overreact to some encounter.

Sep 9, 2013 (Sep 9, 2013 to Sep 10, 2013) Mer Oppos Asc

Conversations with your partners and friends are critical now. This is a time for you to really listen and learn from others. If there is some matter you are concerned with, now is an excellent time to consult a professional or even a good friend that can give helpful feedback. You need other people's ideas and opinions now.

Sep 9, 2013 (Sep 8, 2013 to Sep 29, 2013) Mer 7th H.

At this time you need and seek out the opinions, advice, and counsel of others, realizing that an objective or opposing point of view helps you clarify your own thoughts. You may find others playing devil's advocate in your discussions.

Talking with your mate, business partner, or other close associates is likely to be helpful now, and you may be able to negotiate some agreement or come to some resolution of a problem you've been having. You're likely to be more fair and detached at this time.

Sep 10, 2013 (Sep 7, 2013 to Sep 12, 2013) Ves Qucnx Asc

This can be a frustrating period when impossible demands may be placed on your time and energy. A work or relationship situation can leave you drained or hinder you from pursuing your own self-interests. You may need to analyze your job situation to determine if you are lacking personal gratification and fulfillment. Personal relationships can bring additional strain as loved ones may feel you have put more emphasis on work and less attention on their needs. This can be a confusing period in which you experience difficulty in making a definite commitment on any matter. There can be a lack of concentration on your own objectives due to tension and apprehension over expressing your personal concerns to others.

Sep 11, 2013 (Sep 11, 2013 to Sep 12, 2013) Ven Qucnx Asc

You are disinclined to stir up trouble or cause unpleasantness of any kind at the moment. Relationships are thus apt to be smooth, but this may well come at a cost to you. You may be at peace with others and at war with yourself; you may go along with something now that you will kick yourself for later. Choose your company carefully. Spending time with those you truly trust and enjoy should be no problem.

Sep 11, 2013 (Sep 10, 2013 to Oct 7, 2013) Ven 8th H.

Financial or business affairs are favored at this time and you may meet a benefactor through friends or in a social atmosphere. You are likely to get both the financial backing and the emotional support you need to succeed.

On a personal level, intimate relationships are intensified. Either you or your partner want a deeper union.

Sep 11, 2013 (Sep 11, 2013 to Sep 11, 2013) Moo Trine Asc

Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. You're likely to take the path of least resistance and to stay with whatever has proven trustworthy and safe, rather than making significant changes. Relationships with females are helpful now.

Sep 11, 2013 (Sep 10, 2013 to Sep 13, 2013) Moo 9th H.

The desire to go on a mini-vacation or a getaway from your usual concerns is strong now and if you can do so, go and enjoy yourself.

Putting things in perspective, getting an overview of the daily matters that normally take up so much of your time, and doing something that expands your horizons are accentuated.

Sep 11, 2013 (Sep 9, 2013 to Sep 13, 2013) Pal Trine Asc

You are comfortable and at ease in displaying your creativity and skills in career endeavors and one-on-one relationships. New and inspiring experiences bring you greater understanding and awareness of all that you can offer to the world. Other people can sense that your desires and ideas are based on fairness and equality, and they offer you opportunities to express yourself.

Healing techniques that enhance the mind and the physical body are favorable. You enjoy pleasant and relaxing surroundings, and your relationships are cooperative and rewarding to you.

Sep 13, 2013 (Sep 13, 2013 to Sep 13, 2013) Moo Sqr Asc

You are apt to feel at odds with yourself or other people right now, as if you can't quite get into a comfortable rhythm or flow with what is happening in your environment. Oversensitivity and childish impulses are stronger than usual.

Sep 13, 2013 (Sep 12, 2013 to Sep 15, 2013) Moo 10th H.

Concerns about your career, work, long-range goals and life direction, reputation and public image, and professional issues arise now.

Whatever you do tends to be more open, more public, and more available for the world to see. People see more of the private or personal side of you - whether you want them to or not.

Sep 14, 2013 (Sep 13, 2013 to Sep 15, 2013) Sun/Mer Oppos Asc

You can be quite objective about yourself now. This may allow you to make assessments of your appearance and personality with a new openness. You are also likely to be able to talk to others with greater comfort at this time.

Sep 15, 2013 (Sep 15, 2013 to Sep 15, 2013) Moo Sxtil Asc

You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. A nostalgic mood is accented.

Sep 15, 2013 (Sep 14, 2013 to Sep 17, 2013) Moo 11th H.

A need for community, fellowship, emotional contact with kindred spirits, friendship, and supportive others is accentuated now. Deepening the closeness between yourself and others beyond your most immediate family is very worthwhile now. Also, cultural events or participating in some group effort is satisfying.

Sep 17, 2013 (Sep 16, 2013 to Sep 19, 2013) Moo 12th H.

You are apt to feel especially sensitive, moody, and desirous of privacy and solitude. You may instinctively wish to shield yourself from emotions and problems of others. This is a good time for peaceful meditation, contemplation, and spiritual renewal.

Sep 19, 2013 (Sep 19, 2013 to Sep 19, 2013) Moo Conj Asc

Emotional impulses, moods, and childlike behavior or desires dominate you now and you are apt to do what you feel like doing rather than what you need to or "should" do. All of your emotions are intensified.

Sep 19, 2013 (Sep 18, 2013 to Sep 21, 2013) Moo 1st H.

You are more perceptive and sensitive and easily affected by what is going on in your environment, particularly the feelings and emotional currents of the people around you. Being at home or in a comfortable, supportive atmosphere feels best. You're inclined to lack objectivity and to react from habit or past conditioning rather than doing what you think or know logically to be the best course.

Sep 21, 2013 (Sep 20, 2013 to Sep 24, 2013) Moo 2nd H.

This is a time for taking care of your possessions and personal belongings. Simple activities such as washing your car, putting your home in order, maintaining your yard, or attending to your wardrobe give you a sense of satisfaction and security. See what you can do to secure your valuables or your finances.

You also tend to spend money on impulse or whim, especially on something that has more emotional appeal than practical value.

Sep 22, 2013 (Sep 21, 2013 to Sep 23, 2013) Sun Oppos Asc

A significant personal encounter or confrontation occurs today. You cannot, and probably will not want to, be alone now. This is a time to reach out to people and to get others' input or counsel. Listen to your mate or a friend who can enlighten you at this time. Also, consulting a professional for health, business, or personal reasons will be very constructive and fruitful now.

Sep 22, 2013 (Sep 21, 2013 to Oct 23, 2013) Sun 7th H.

Partnerships, marriage, and your close one-to-one relationships engage much of your attention now and you are called upon to cooperate and perhaps to relinquish some of your own personal interests for the sake of harmony and mutual benefit. The emphasis is on "we" rather than "me". You will not wish to go it alone and will seek the companionship and counsel of others.

If you are having difficulties in some area of your life, now is the time to seek the advice of a counselor or consultant, someone with an objective point of view.

Sep 22, 2013 (Sep 21, 2013 to Sep 24, 2013) Ven/Mar Oppos Asc

You can be at your charming best right now. This is a good period to make a positive impression as you can combine sweetness and dynamic energy in one attractive package. Enjoy yourself and your relationships now by bringing some playfulness and creativity into them.

Sep 24, 2013 (Sep 24, 2013 to Sep 24, 2013) Moo Sxtil Asc

You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. A nostalgic mood is accented.

Sep 24, 2013 (Sep 24, 2013 to Sep 26, 2013) Moo 3rd H.

Your communication and interaction with others is colored by emotional considerations and your need to have an emotional rapport and to feel a kinship with others. However, events from the past and subjective assessments and feelings which may have little basis in the present may also influence your thinking at this time.

Sep 26, 2013 (Sep 26, 2013 to Sep 26, 2013) Moo Sqr Asc

You are apt to feel at odds with yourself or other people right now, as if you can't quite get into a comfortable rhythm or flow with what is happening in your environment. Oversensitivity and childish impulses are stronger than usual.

Sep 26, 2013 (Sep 26, 2013 to Sep 29, 2013) Moo 4th H.

Your desire for comfort, security, and privacy is stronger now and spending some quality time with your family or by yourself at home is satisfying. This is a time for going within to replenish yourself in order to meet the challenges and stresses of your usual activities. Domestic or family matters are emphasized.

Sep 29, 2013 (Sep 26, 2013 to Oct 1, 2013) Mar/Sat Oppos Asc

You have good energy for doing hard work, paying attention to obligations and staying focused on the tasks before you. However, this may not be the most fun time and you could feel that life is bringing you more pressure than pleasure these days. Take it slow, accomplish what you can, and stay in integrity in your relationships with others.

Sep 29, 2013 (Sep 29, 2013 to Sep 29, 2013) Moo Trine Asc

Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. You're likely to take the path of least resistance and to stay with whatever has proven trustworthy and safe, rather than making significant changes. Relationships with females are helpful now.

Sep 29, 2013 (Sep 28, 2013 to Oct 1, 2013) Moo 5th H.

Now is a time for coming out of your shell, expressing your real desires and feelings, and openly displaying the caring you feel for others.

Also, your playful, fun-loving, or dramatic side is accentuated. You can enjoy sports, games, entertainment, and creative activities.

Sep 29, 2013 (Sep 29, 2013 to Sep 30, 2013) Mer Qucnx Asc

This is a time when short trips, excursions, errands, etc. are interfered with. You will have to adjust your plans or appointments to accommodate an inconvenience. You may also have to re-examine some matter you believed to have already been concluded and resolved. Negotiations are apt to be strained and awkward, although direct confrontation is unlikely.

Sep 29, 2013 (Sep 28, 2013 to Dec 4, 2013) Mer 8th H.

Communication and negotiations regarding joint finances, shared assets and investments, and property or anything else you own in common with another person, are likely now. It is a good time to get such affairs in order. Discussions about death are also likely to arise, both over legalities (wills, inheritances, and so on), and the more emotional, personal aspects of it.

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