Thursday, October 3, 2013

Month Scorpio October 2013

 Month Scorpio October 2013



 Your soul sector is strong this month, dear Scorpio, suggesting that you should focus on spiritual renewal, dealing with matters that need to be put behind you, and getting extra rest and time for reflection. While the Sun enters your sign on the 23rd, Mercury in Scorpio turns retrograde around the same time, further pointing to the need to re-assess key elements of your life. While focusing on the past is appropriate, do so with an eye for making improvements. Watch for negativity and focusing too heavily on past grievances, especially around the 8th and 29-31. A journal can help if difficult buried matter surfaces, which is quite likely. Positively, you might be asked - and valued - for your opinion around these dates. You are certainly gaining more and more credibility and respect these days, and October is no exception. Health is a possible issue this month, particularly around the 18th. Take better care of yourself than usual. Finances are in stronger form this month. Whether or not your cash flow actually increases, good prospects are likely to present themselves, which can fire up motivation. However, watch for risky ventures, over-spending, or putting more value into something than it's worth on the 9-10. You might receive recognition for something you do well, although it is likely to come with more responsibility. From the 21st, work pressures tend to ease. Your social life is busier now. 


The Sun continues to shine its light on your solar twelfth house. This is the time to listen to your intuition, to take a break from the hectic pace of your life, and to reflect on what you have learned in the past year. You might naturally retreat a little and take more private time for yourself now. Your physical energy levels may not be up to par for the time being, and this is your body signalling you to take a break. This is not an ideal time for pushing forward with new personal projects and plans. It is better to finish up projects and tie up loose ends now.
From October 23rd forward:
The Sun illuminates your first house now, bringing issues surrounding your personal identity, appearance, outward behavior, and self-expression to the forefront. This marks the peak of your physical solar cycle, and you are in the position to make an impression on others, and to assert your personal influence. Spontaneity of expression is what this transit is about. You are ready to put your past behind you and to start a new personal cycle. You have presence and you project confidence. Increased energy and a renewed feeling of confidence is with you now, so take advantage. It's a great month to do something entirely new and pioneering—to go solo in some area of your life. This particular season of the year smiles on your personal endeavors. This is a time when you more easily get in touch with a true sense of your identity and purpose. The most enterprising side of your nature surfaces, and it's time to seize opportunities. Existing problems in your life may be overcome now by bravery and a straightforward approach to your life. There's nothing wrong with a bit of self-centeredness during this cycle, but avoid taking it too far. It's not the best time for team work and other cooperative endeavors. The spotlight is on you and your ability to lead, so make it a good one! Take steps to improve how you come across to others. It's time to carve your own path in life.
A Lunar Eclipse Occurs on October 18th:
A general rule of thumb regarding eclipses is to avoid major decision-making in the week before and after an eclipse. This is because new information that could change our perspective often is revealed in the week after the eclipse. There is absolutely no need to suspend projects already in progress. Essentially, it's better to take in right now--to observe and get in touch with feelings.
This Lunar Eclipse stimulates your solar sixth house. Surprises surrounding work, working relationships, daily routines, or health issues are in store. Something that has been "in hiding" or brewing under the surface of things comes to light, or there is a significant fruition or culmination. Flaws come to light and demand a clean-up. This could manifest as, for example, a work project coming to an end or bearing fruit, a surprising announcement on the job, a circumstance that calls for you to support a co-worker, a flurry of activity prompted by the demands of work or for your services, a surprising health matter, and other such possibilities. You can use this surge of emotional energy to make positive changes to your routines. Do something to improve your work conditions if they are annoying you--even if it's a small act of kindness with a co-worker or bringing in something to brighten up your desk or office. Get going on your exercise or nutrition program that you've been toying with in your mind.
Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort
Until October 7th:Venus continues to grace your solar first house now. Something about how you present yourself, your image, and your manner boosts your personal magnetism during this cycle. It's a good time to attract who and what you want into your life experience. You're more charming and you are likely to want to attract things to you indirectly rather than forcefully now, perhaps through charm and playfulness. You have a stronger need to be good to yourself, although a negative expression of this placement can be excessive attention to pampering oneself or taking the easy way out. You especially enjoy making a good impression on others, and peace-making. You might also be paying more attention to beauty and style now.
From October 7th forward:As the natural ruler of the second house, Venus feels right "at home" here. This is a rather content position for Venus, although there can be some restlessness when it comes to money and spending it—you are more inclined to want more things around you! Financial security and enjoyment of the good things in life are important to you, although you also value simple pleasures. The ability to relate well with others might enhance your own personal finances during this period. You may find yourself in a position in which there is a blending of financial matters with social or public affairs. This is a stable position for love matters and close relationships. You value those who make you feel comfortable, and familiarity is more important to you than someone new during this cycle.
Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation
Mercury is retrograde from October 21st to November 10th:
All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications with friends or groups, as well as intimate communications and shared financial resources, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to financial transactions and personal communications with friends, or, better yet, take this time to re-budget or rethink your plans instead of taking premature action. Group meetings may be postponed or cancelled, and friends may seem distant or confused.

Occurring in your sign and your solar first house this time, extra care should be exercised when it comes to your body language. Others may misinterpret your body language, and you should be aware of a tendency to give off mixed signals. People in your life may complain that you seem emotionally distant. You may appear uncommunicative and hard to reach, or what you say comes out wrong. This is a time to review the manner in which you come across to others--not so much whether it truly reflects your nature, but more in terms of whether it is working for or against you. Don't worry too much if others aren't quite "getting" you for the time being. Things will change once Mercury turns direct, so you might decide to try to keep status quo for the time being. You might spend more time than usual when it comes to making decisions now, and this is natural. Rushed decisions may be regretted when you change your mind later on.
Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage
Until October 15th:
Mars continues to energize your solar tenth house now. You bring much energy, enthusiasm, and drive to your career or to directing activities in your life during this cycle. You may be quite competitive during this period, preferring to achieve and accomplish things on your own. This attitude can, in some cases, be seen by others as an instigating or otherwise offensive energy, so be aware of that possibility. This is a strong time for directly pursuing your goals, and, if you need that extra push or oomph to get a plan going, particularly a professional one, or to assert your desires, then this is the time. You are self-motivated now and your enthusiasm can be harnessed if you so choose.
From October 15th forward:
Mars is energizing your solar eleventh house now. Group activities and cooperative efforts are the best way to achieve your goals right now. In fact, you have all sorts of ideas about what you want to do. Avoid allowing the ego to attempt to dominate others. You prefer to lead a group rather than follow during this period, and there are certainly ways to do so without stepping on others' toes. As well, the best way to achieve your goals during this period is to work as a team, or to at least to do some networking. You may have more energy than usual to want to organize projects. Your humanitarian impulse may be stimulated. The role you play for other people in your life becomes the focus. You may feel that your schedule gets overloaded at this time with things to do (usually for others).
Overview Horoscope:
Your soul sector is strong this month, dear Scorpio, suggesting that you should focus on spiritual renewal, dealing with matters that need to be put behind you, and getting extra rest and time for reflection. While the Sun enters your sign on the 23rd, Mercury in Scorpio turns retrograde around the same time, further pointing to the need to re-assess key elements of your life. While focusing on the past is appropriate, do so with an eye for making improvements. Watch for negativity and focusing too heavily on past grievances, especially around the 8th and 29-31. A journal can help if difficult buried matter surfaces, which is quite likely. Positively, you might be asked - and valued - for your opinion around these dates. You are certainly gaining more and more credibility and respect these days, and October is no exception. Health is a possible issue this month, particularly around the 18th. Take better care of yourself than usual. Finances are in stronger form this month. Whether or not your cash flow actually increases, good prospects are likely to present themselves, which can fire up motivation. However, watch for risky ventures, over-spending, or putting more value into something than it's worth on the 9-10. You might receive recognition for something you do well, although it is likely to come with more responsibility. From the 21st, work pressures tend to ease. Your social life is busier now.


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