Saturday, January 11, 2014

This Year Sagittarius 2014,2015

This Year Sagittarius 2014,2015

2014 Yearly Horoscope Overview

2014 brings strong energy for your intimate world, dear Sagittarius, and later, excellent opportunities for self-expression and adventure. Your social life, including both friendships and romance, can be temperamental in the first half of the year - and, in some cases, tied up with one another! A romantic partner might be met through friends or group meetings, for example, or a friend might become a lover for some. From March to mid-May, there can be some backtracking and possibly slowdowns or complications in your social life. When it comes to love this year, serious or committed relationships can improve considerably, while casual ones can be troublesome in the first half of the year, after which there is wonderful energy for romance and/or self-expression. Regarding finances, there may be ups and downs, although you may worry more than is necessary. Good energy is with you for shared resources (a partner's income might increase, for example, or you could pool resources in a new living arrangement). Support is forthcoming. You have strong energy around you for relationships with banks, taxes, debts, financial advisors, loans, and investments. May is most excellent for financial planning. Your intimate life can be enriched by opening up to someone and enjoying new experiences. You might never have reached such depths in a relationship until now. There can be a sexual awakening for some. For single Sagittarians, there can be a supportive friendship or greater intimacy with yourself. Psychology and other healing methods can be in the picture, and most helpful. January's Venus retrograde makes it less than ideal for major purchases, but you can certainly benefit from reviewing your financial situation. Watch for excessive behavior in October. The second half of the year brings exciting energy to your life. You are coming out of your "shell" in many ways, as you enter a decidedly more outgoing phase of your life. Helping out from September forward is a beautiful aspect from innovative and progressive Uranus, and this combination awakens you to new ways of expressing yourself, learning about others and the world around you, a spirit for adventure, and a sense that you are truly living your life, not just going through the motions.
From the summer forward, students will especially benefit. Some of you may update your skills or pursue higher education. You are coming close to a peak period for career and recognition that begins in mid-2015, and now is the time to absorb as much as possible and improve your skills so that you will be well-prepared for that period. Keep in mind that karma can work more quickly for you if you go to excess now, with Saturn entering your sign at the tail end of the year, so keep things reasonable and moderate. This is also a favorable time for publishing, promotion, travel, language learning, teaching, religious activities, sports, competition, outdoors adventures, and so forth. Learning is very enjoyable now. It's easier than usual to win approval from teachers, instructors, or mentors, and to connect with good ones. You can also discover artistic/creative talents, or develop existing ones, and others tend to recognize you for them. Generally speaking, 2014 is a year for finishing up major projects rather than beginning all-new ones, although your enterprising spirit from September forward should not be ignored.

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