Thursday, July 25, 2013

Leo This Year Leo 2013.2014

This Year Leo 2013.2014

Yearly Horoscope: 2013 Predictions for Leo

This Year: Leo

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview
Until June, and especially from February forward, it's a time for making connections and formulating new ideas, dear Leo. Your social circle is expanding, although you might want to watch for excesses in this area. While the saying goes that you can never have too many friends, you don't want to spread yourself thin. Similarly, avoid beginning so many new projects that you scatter yourself across them. Friends can be supportive, and, for some Leos, romance is tied with friendship or group associations. Your team spirit is very strong now, and you might make wonderful contributions to a group or with associates that you can truly feel proud of. When it comes to home and family, in 2013, you can feel that the walls are closing in on you at times. There can be a feeling of heaviness when it comes to your responsibilities or you literally feel cramped in your personal space. There can also be a sense that you are alone and in charge, emotionally speaking. However, you have the chance to restructure your domestic life by bringing more order to it. Jupiter's entry into the sign behind yours in late June can be considered a retreat of sorts - a year-long cycle that prepares you for Jupiter's transit through your own sign starting in July 2014. You come into closer touch with your spiritual and emotional renewal needs now, and you might find that you're doing a lot for others, usually quite voluntarily. Large decisions may be deferred to a later date. While there can be times that you feel "in limbo", you can choose to take full advantage of this period for extra rest, and for learning to love your privacy and "alone time" with yourself. In fact, you might very well enjoy your own company! Love becomes private somehow during this period. You might be keeping quiet about a relationship or about your feelings, or you could be making some sacrifices for someone you love. You might also be dealing with an ending of a relationship that is no longer viable. You are becoming especially tolerant and compassionate now. Daily habits and routines are transforming again this year, and you have many opportunities to make important changes. Don't pass up on travel opportunities and connections made with people overseas or of a vastly different culture than yours. These experiences can be eye-opening and beneficial.

2013 Overview for all Leos.


Until June, and especially from February forward, it's a time for making connections and formulating new ideas, dear Leo. Your social circle is expanding, although you might want to watch for excesses in this area. While the saying goes that you can never have too many friends, you don't want to spread yourself thin. Similarly, avoid beginning so many new projects that you scatter yourself across them. Friends can be supportive, and, for some Leos, romance is tied with friendship or group associations. Your team spirit is very strong now, and you might make wonderful contributions to a group or with associates that you can truly feel proud of. When it comes to home and family, in 2013, you can feel that the walls are closing in on you at times. There can be a feeling of heaviness when it comes to your responsibilities or you literally feel cramped in your personal space. There can also be a sense that you are alone and in charge, emotionally speaking. However, you have the chance to restructure your domestic life by bringing more order to it. Jupiter's entry into the sign behind yours in late June can be considered a retreat of sorts - a year-long cycle that prepares you for Jupiter's transit through your own sign starting in July 2014. You come into closer touch with your spiritual and emotional renewal needs now, and you might find that you're doing a lot for others, usually quite voluntarily. Large decisions may be deferred to a later date. While there can be times that you feel "in limbo", you can choose to take full advantage of this period for extra rest, and for learning to love your privacy and "alone time" with yourself. In fact, you might very well enjoy your own company! Love becomes private somehow during this period. You might be keeping quiet about a relationship or about your feelings, or you could be making some sacrifices for someone you love. You might also be dealing with an ending of a relationship that is no longer viable. You are becoming especially tolerant and compassionate now. Daily habits and routines are transforming again this year, and you have many opportunities to make important changes. Don't pass up on travel opportunities and connections made with people overseas or of a vastly different culture than yours. These experiences can be eye-opening and beneficial.
2013 Details.
Until June 25th, Jupiter continues to transit your solar eleventh house, bringing benefits and fresh energy to networking activities, the formulation of broad, long-term goals, acquaintances, clubs, and organizations in your life. You can rely on your friends for their help and support, and your circle of friends could most certainly increase during this fruitful transit. Your long-term goals and wishes tend to be broad and perhaps unusual or ahead of the times just now. You may particularly enjoy dreaming up ideas for the future. Achieving your goals tends to come more easily now. Others especially value your advice and often turn to you for help. You could become more active with friends or in your community. You may have opportunities to join or lead clubs or groups. Group activities and associations could be avenues for fulfilling your own goals. You may take special joy in sharing a common cause or ideals with others. You are especially hopeful and more inclined to believe that if you wish it, it will be! Income from your business or career is likely to increase. You might find yourself more tolerant of others in general, and of differences in values. Reaching out beyond your personal circle can certainly open doors to you and bring joy into your life during this cycle. You might also expand your social circle through work, or while pursuing health goals. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Also, Jupiter can bring too much of a good thing at times, and you might find that your social agenda is crammed or that you have taken on more friends or goals than you can reasonably handle.
During this cycle, romance and friendships or group associations can be tied together. Some of you may find more romantic opportunities through friends, groups, and associates. Some might bring creative energy or skills to a group setting.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar eleventh house, from January 30th to June 25th.
From June 25th forward, Jupiter moves through your solar twelfth house. This transit brings benefits to activities that take place "behind the scenes" or otherwise privately, as well as in the soul. This is a cycle in which you become more compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive, or get in deeper touch with these traits. Jupiter in the twelfth house is said to offer one spiritual protection. This is a time when you can rid yourself of self-destructive tendencies, deep-seated fears, and deeply-ingrained tendencies towards guilty feelings. You are more able to get in touch with your subconscious mind, and in fact, confronting your fears can be quite pleasurable during this period. Charity, giving/donating anonymously, volunteering, and helping others without expectation of reward will be most fulfilling during this cycle. Helping others actually helps you. Work that involves serving others may begin now and bring you much joy. Your dreaming world may be especially rich, lighter, helpful, and more intuitive. Meditation and retreats may be particularly helpful to you now, as they regenerate and invigorate your spirit. Much pleasure and growth might be found in solitude and contemplation. You may pick up New Age studies, spirituality, dream interpretation, or research during this cycle. Some people enter into a private romance during this cycle. In general, help seems to be there when you need it. You are building or rebuilding your inner faith now. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. There may be some sacrifices required in your love life, or love may be private. Some might end a love affair during this time; others could be uncertain or would prefer to keep things quiet. Children may require more sacrifices this year for some. For some of you, there can be work on a creative project in relative solitude or privacy.
Jupiter's influence is generally considered positive, and it is, ultimately. However, it acts to magnify the area of the chart that it affects, and at times it can be uncomfortable if you are having difficulties in this area. In your case, if you are lonely or if you feel helpless, and if you have troubles facing your past, then this influence can heighten these issues. Ultimately, it's for the good. The cosmos asks you now to surrender some of your attachments, and to surrender to the unknown. Releasing control is necessary. Building your faith is the work you are doing now. While your tendency is to play a supportive role to others, if taken too far, you will need to draw some boundaries when it comes to your energy and time. August in particular can bring pressures from work, health, or simply inner restlessness.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar twelfth house, from June 25th to November 6th.
Saturn continues to transit your solar fourth house (until 2015). Saturn here urges you to get serious about home, family, and domestic concerns. You are building your nest, not in a "plumping your nest" sort of way. In fact, you may be stripping some things away--perhaps even downsizing or de-cluttering--and adding structure to your domestic life. You face issues surrounding your attachments to the past. Sometimes this manifests as literal re-organization of your home. Moving house is not typically associated with this transit as it would if, for example, Uranus was the transiting planet. If moves are made, you might encounter some resistance in yourself. This is not a time when you feel particularly brave in the outer world. However, reorganization in your home, and more importantly, in your soul, embodies the true nature of this transit. Many will go through a major "spring cleaning" inside. Limitations that came from early family conditioning will be brought to the fore. At first, there may be some frustration with your life to date, and how you have limited your opportunities because of early conditioning. A feeling of being alone and unsupported in life may dominate now. You may experience some distancing or frustrations regarding your parents. Family obligations may get in the way of your experience of pleasure and of the achievement of your personal goals. There may be some emotional distancing as well in your home. Your current living conditions may feel restrictive, limiting, too small or cramped (physically and/or emotionally). Delays and slowdowns may be experienced in the areas of health, mobility, and career. However, all of these things are occurring now in order that you face your responsibilities, become more self-sufficient, and more organized. Ultimately, you are learning to rely on yourself and to take care of things that you may have previously neglected but that have undermined your confidence in yourself and in your life.
Pluto is in your solar sixth house this year, and you will need to watch for straining yourself by working too hard. During the course of this very long-term transit, you will be learning about new ways of approaching health matters, particularly by uncovering root or core issues. Your work and habits are also evolving.
Uranus begins or continues its lengthy transit of your solar ninth house and trines your Sun. Pleasant surprises pepper your year ahead. You're open to a certain amount of change and progress in 2013, and thus attract interesting and sometimes unusual events into your life. A few doors open to you as you express yourself more spontaneously this year. Connections with a broader set of people and experiences can be the catalysts for your changing, more open-minded personal philosophy. Your interest in learning, exploring, and branching out is renewed and fresh. Listening to your gut will serve you well, as long as you're not listening to that part of you that fears change. Fortunately, it's easier to make necessary changes in your life without making too many waves now. You are drawn to new experiences and ideas, and they contribute to your growth. You have a twinkle in your eye this year! Your own originality and uniqueness is bound to come shining through. You are slightly more outspoken, daring, and progressive than usual now. Events that occur this year tend to show you a different side of yourself, and could attract new people into your life. Any new friends or connections made are likely to be quite different than those you have had in the past. If you want to rid yourself of some unhealthy habits or past conditioning that has been undermining your confidence, this is the year to do it. Some of the people around you might be surprised at your newly found independence, but most will enjoy it. New intellectual interests are likely this year. Unexpected or unusual experiences tend to enhance your understanding, and a new perspective on your life is in store. An unexpected opportunity for travel may present itself, or new opportunities to further your education could arise. If you do get a chance to travel, which could come up quite suddenly, unusual and eye-opening experiences may be in store for you. The people that you meet this year tend to stir you into new ways of thinking. You are less inclined towards a personal philosophy that is traditional now, and attracted to more avant-garde or simply progressive belief systems.
The influence of Neptune is similar to last year for those of you born July 29 to August 2. Neptune continues to transit your solar seventh house, as it has been doing for a number of years, casting some "fog" over your partnerships. You may be meeting evasiveness in a partner or potential mates. A more accepting or spiritual approach to partnerships may have been a way of life in recent years. For those of you born July 23-28, this influence is finished. Neptune begins its lengthy transit through your solar eighth house this year. You may encounter some challenges regarding shared finances or property during this cycle. On the other hand, a loan or other form of support may come through unexpectedly, even in a mysterious fashion. Intimate relationships can be highly colorful, perhaps with spiritual undercurrents, but also a little confusing. The boundaries that are normally drawn between what is yours and what is mine may be blurred somewhat during this Neptune transit. A partner could have unsettled finances, and this could impact your own finances. Do be wary of anything that even slightly resembles fraud. Lending others money may be a lesson in frustration now. 
The North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar fourth house all year, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your home and family. You need to let go of your tendency to over-manage your life and others' lives, to relax your standards of perfection and achievement, and to avoid falling victim to living through the eyes of society instead of valuing our own personal (as opposed to professional/status) achievements. By working on your inner foundation and your "base", success will ricochet back to your public and professional lives.
Eclipses in 2013 fall mostly in your solar fourth and tenth houses, and it's time to take steps to improve your family and home life. You may need to review and change your career goals as well. Career matters come to a head. You may be challenged to perform and prove your competence in 2013. Keeping everything aboveboard is critical. Finding a balance between your attention to home and career is the challenge now. In October, a Lunar Eclipse in Aries turns your attention to your belief systems and faith.
Although your overall state of mind is stable and productive, some restlessness is likely this year, particularly between May and November. Mundane tasks capture your attention, but the urge to get out and about is bound to grab hold of you as well. Finding a balance can be difficult, but necessary.
This year, you are likely to discover resources that you never knew you had. Help seems to be magically there when you need it, and your own awesome strength and faith is always there to draw upon. It is an excellent year to get in touch with the past conditioning that makes you what you are today. Periods when you completely relax and retreat, removing yourself from everyday affairs, will be especially beneficial. You may be able to secure a job that allows you to work from home this year, particularly, or you could bring more work home with you in your present job. You are likely to learn that privacy and more down time are good for your soul, and some of you will be learning to get over your fears of being alone. You might gain property or support from family, or a loan for a home or home improvement. Connecting intimately with another person boosts your sense of security.

This Year in Love: Leo

2013 Love Horoscope for LeoFor the most part, 2013 is about inner, emotional growth rather than outer events and changes for you, dear Leo.
Uranus as the ruler of your partnership sector continues to travel through your solar ninth house this year. This is a long-term trend that suggests partnership "material" might be found in faraway places, through travel, higher education, or other forms of adventure and expansion of your usual boundaries. Some Leos may meet a partner who is from a very different cultural background. Already partnered Leos might embark on new adventures with a partner. There can be some restlessness if you are not growing together and reaching beyond your usual routine.
Uranus continues to be challenged by Pluto this year, as was the case in 2012. This suggests a continuing struggle with power plays or control issues in a partnership. You don't want to go there - it's not going to do anything except cause pain, so try to avoid attempts to control the direction of a relationship or to expect a partner to play along to a script. You might instead face some jealousies and manipulations in a partner, and this kind of behavior should be strongly discouraged. There might also be some challenges involving the work you do or family issues that are hot topics/problem areas in your closest relationships. With Pluto in your work sector, many Leos have become workaholics recently, and you will need to find a better balance between your work and love life.
Jupiter is the ruler of your love and romance sector and rules over your more casual love relationships and dating life. Jupiter's presence in your friendship sector until late June can be indicative of love or dating opportunities with or through friends. Certainly, love relationships benefit from a spirit of friendship and acceptance now. You are more attracted to relationships in which you share a common goal or vision, and some of you could find dating or love opportunities through group activities.
The second half of the year brings Jupiter to your privacy and soul sector. This is a house of endings, and some of you will be ending a love relationship during this cycle. August can be a time when some Leos find out or come to the realization that a love relationship is not going anywhere. However, it can also point to an attachment to a private relationship or a relationship in which you are making personal sacrifices in order to keep it going. It can be a little more difficult to come to conclusions or strong decisions about a relationship for many of you, as you may be on the fence or simply confused about your attachments or the direction of a relationship. Love is certainly more complicated, and for some of you, quite deliciously so, especially in July, when emotional sustenance may be found in a love attachment. From June 25th forward, Leos are much more interested in love relationships with heart and emotional connection than they are in relationships that are spirited and adventurous in nature.
There can be stronger attraction to Aries, Aquarius, and Pisces personalities in 2013.
Neptune continues to move through your intimacy sector this year, and will continue to do so for many years to come. This points to a strong spiritual element to your intimate expression and world. More spirituality, romance, or fantasy is now brought to your intimate life. Your fantasy life may be especially rich in July. There is much less confusion about marriage or committed partnership than in recent years. You will still need to watch for financial dependencies with a partner, however. Watch that others don't take advantage of your generosity in 2013.

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