Thursday, July 25, 2013

Virgo This Year Virgo 2013.2014

This Year: Virgo

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview Particularly from February to June, you are likely to enjoy some form of promotion, positive exposure, or career recognition, dear Virgo. You are learning to "own" what you do in 2013, and feeling more comfortable in a position of authority. You are also communicating with more authority, or honing your knowledge in a particular trade or area of knowledge/expertise. However, some people in your life might complain that you are not as available for idle chit-chat during this time. You are taking more pride in your home and family. The second half of the year brings a new focus, and it's a time when your social life increases. Through groups or friends, you might seek a sense of belonging and comfort, and you're likely to find it! This is also a time for new and exciting ideas for future growth and happiness. You are entertaining dreams of where you'd like to go with your life, and while it was your professional life that you were more interested in in the first half of 2013, you are more concerned with personal happiness, ideals, and long-term goals in the second half. There can be a cause that you work towards enthusiastically, possibly related to family. Business income is likely to be strong. However, money from another source, possibly a partner, ex-partner, or lender may be unreliable this year, so there can be some worries about money. Love relationships might be complicated at times, as you explore alternative options, but overall, they're likely to be considerably more stable this year. For some of you, the second half of the year can involve a friendship morphing into something more, but for most of you, patience and a sense of peace with what you have or what you want is with you now. Single Virgos are not as anxious, preferring to wait for something that truly feels right, rather than settle for something that doesn't, and coupled Virgos feel more content this year. Teaming up with others can figure strongly in 2013, and can bring some real benefits to your life. You are working harder this year at communicating more effectively and building your level of expertise. You are dissatisfied with sloppy learning or holes in your thinking and want to refine your skills and knowledge. You might meet people who inspire you and motivate you to be the best you can be, simply because they see the best in you.

2013 Overview for all Virgos. 

Particularly from February to June, you are likely to enjoy some form of promotion, positive exposure, or career recognition, dear Virgo. You are learning to "own" what you do in 2013, and feeling more comfortable in a position of authority. You are also communicating with more authority, or honing your knowledge in a particular trade or area of knowledge/expertise. However, some people in your life might complain that you are not as available for idle chit-chat during this time. You are taking more pride in your home and family. The second half of the year brings a new focus, and it's a time when your social life increases. Through groups or friends, you might seek a sense of belonging and comfort, and you're likely to find it! This is also a time for new and exciting ideas for future growth and happiness. You are entertaining dreams of where you'd like to go with your life, and while it was your professional life that you were more interested in in the first half of 2013, you are more concerned with personal happiness, ideals, and long-term goals in the second half. There can be a cause that you work towards enthusiastically, possibly related to family. Business income is likely to be strong. However, money from another source, possibly a partner, ex-partner, or lender may be unreliable this year, so there can be some worries about money. Love relationships might be complicated at times, as you explore alternative options, but overall, they're likely to be considerably more stable this year. For some of you, the second half of the year can involve a friendship morphing into something more, but for most of you, patience and a sense of peace with what you have or what you want is with you now. Single Virgos are not as anxious, preferring to wait for something that truly feels right, rather than settle for something that doesn't, and coupled Virgos feel more content this year. Teaming up with others can figure strongly in 2013, and can bring some real benefits to your life. You are working harder this year at communicating more effectively and building your level of expertise. You are dissatisfied with sloppy learning or holes in your thinking and want to refine your skills and knowledge. You might meet people who inspire you and motivate you to be the best you can be, simply because they see the best in you.
2013 Details.
Until June 25th, Jupiter continues to transit your solar tenth house. Increased public recognition and professional success characterize this position. This can be a time of achievement, career advancement, and success in business. Business-related travel or the reaching of a wider audience is possible during this cycle. Your worldly or public status may change for the better. There could be a promotion, new job opportunities, a diploma, an important award, or a marriage. You may come into the limelight. Authority figures or other influential people tend to look upon you favorably, see more potential in you, and readily help you along, so work it! Something might happen now, or circumstances are such, that your career (or professional interests in general) expands, and you find more joy and pleasure from your work. You could enjoy more freedom, or possibly even responsibilities, in your career. Integrity, directness, and honesty will get you everywhere now. The more willing you are to put yourself in the limelight, the more positive the rewards--this is not the time to be a shrinking violet! These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Be wary of situations that could get blown out of proportion or misunderstood. Some elements of your personal life may be exposed, or you could be in the position to put yourself out there when you'd prefer more privacy. While the influence you're experiencing now is ultimately for the good, it can also act to magnify difficult situations in order to get there, and the process can include moments of discomfort. Your hard work and effort can be recognized now, and you could find yourself in a position that truly suits you. For some of you, more prestige or a higher social standing may be part of the picture now. Family life can improve during this period. You might repair a relationship with a parent or boss.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar tenth house, from January 30th to June 25th.
From June 25th forward, Jupiter transits your solar eleventh house, bringing benefits and fresh energy to networking activities, the formulation of broad, long-term goals, acquaintances, clubs, and organizations in your life. You can rely on your friends for their help and support, and your circle of friends could most certainly increase during this fruitful transit. Your long-term goals and wishes tend to be broad and perhaps unusual or ahead of the times just now. You may particularly enjoy dreaming up ideas for the future. Achieving your goals tends to come more easily now. Others especially value your advice and often turn to you for help. You could become more active with friends or in your community. You may have opportunities to join or lead clubs or groups. Group activities and associations could be avenues for fulfilling your own goals. You may take special joy in sharing a common cause or ideals with others. You are especially hopeful and more inclined to believe that if you wish it, it will be! Income from your business or career is likely to increase. You might find yourself more tolerant of others in general, and of differences in values. Reaching out beyond your personal circle can certainly open doors to you and bring joy into your life during this cycle. You might also expand your social circle through work, or while pursuing health goals. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Also, Jupiter can bring too much of a good thing at times, and you might find that your social agenda is crammed or that you have taken on more friends or goals than you can reasonably handle.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar eleventh house, from June 25th to November 6th.
Jupiter transits sextile your Sun from June 25th to August 10th, making it an excellent time to start new long-term projects. You might find that you feel subtly more vital, confident, and optimistic about the future at this time. It's a good time to resolve conflicts, as you are not as easily angered by trivial matters, and domestic matters can run smoothly and happily.
Saturn continues to transit your solar third house this year - a transit that began in October 2012 and that is with you until 2015. You are more productive, with a responsible and sometimes even somber outlook during this period. Although you have a desire to make contacts, you are now rather preoccupied with learning or producing, and you may view idle chit-chat as a waste of time. You could feel an unusual pressure to structure your time and effort, and to cut out communication that seems unnecessary. You are more able to accomplish something solid this year.  By the end of the transit, you will have ideally gained a greater depth of understanding, having focused on information and communication that you really can use to feel more effective in the world.
Saturn sextiles your Sun from October 2012 to October 2013, and you benefit from a sense of stability as well as positive feedback from superiors. You are also more credible and reliable, which others appreciate and acknowledge. Hard work done in the past begins to pay off, and you could feel quite supported and secure with the people in your life.
Pluto is in your solar fifth house this year. This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes in attitude towards love affairs, creativity, hobbies, recreation, children, and entertainment.
For those of you born September 1-2 and those with an Ascendant of 9-10 degrees Virgo, Pluto trines your Sun/Ascendant, and you are bound to have an uplifting, transforming year. You could take up some form of physical or health program that completely changes the way you feel about yourself. The things that give you joy and positive feedback figure prominently this year, and you feel renewed and regenerated. You also feel particularly strong and personally powerful. There is no such thing as playing the victim this year--you're the victor and you feel it. You enjoy an increased ability to concentrate and focus on what really matters to you. Living authentically is what this year is all about. You are also learning to "own" your creative voice and the style in which you communicate, becoming less reticent about expressing yourself in creative ways, as well as communicating your ideas and perspectives. For some of you, the lines of communication are opening up with your own children. This is a potentially empowering time in your life when your personality is more vibrant, magnetic, focused, and resolute. You might take up a pleasantly consuming new hobby, line of work, or interest now. You might also begin a new health program (body, mind, or spirit) that improves your outlook on life. You might kick a bad habit or rid yourself of undesirable attitudes that have, in the past, held you back from success.
Uranus begins or continues its lengthy transit of your solar eighth house. There could be some ambiguities or unexpected happenings surrounding money that are part of your life but that don't originate from your own income. This includes such things as shared resources with a close partner, alimony, taxes, loans, and so forth. At times, this could throw you off balance. This position could also indicate a period of uncertainty surrounding your intimate relationships, and/or some experimentation with your sexuality.
The influence of Neptune is similar to last year for those of you born August 29-September 2. Neptune continues to transit your solar sixth house, as it has been doing for a number of years. You are more susceptible to medications, chemicals, and other such things during this long-term cycle, so keep this in mind. Stress more easily affects your health as well. Some confusion on the job may have been part of the picture, or your job may have steered towards compassionate service, charity, or other helping professions. Although Virgos are known for their ability to stick to schedules, Neptune's presence here has made it more challenging to do so. However, for those born August 23-28 (or 0-5-1/2 degrees Virgo Ascendant), Neptune begins its transit of your solar seventh house and opposes your Sun/Ascendant this year, casting some "fog" over your partnerships. You may be meeting evasiveness in a partner or potential mates. A more accepting or spiritual approach to partnerships is what you are moving towards, but there can be some confusion and possibly disillusionment in the process. It can be hard to pin down a partner to a solid commitment. Or, you may begin to attract Neptunian people into your life--at best, they can be compassionate, artistic, or spiritual types. At the other end of the spectrum, they can be elusive, evasive, or downright deceptive. You could struggle somewhat with your own expectations in partnerships. Self-deception may very well be in play, and when others don't quite measure up to their expectations, disappointments occur. Do your best to see people for who they are rather than what you'd really like them to be. Your own goals could be confusing, and your energy levels could swing quite dramatically at times, perhaps reflecting this inner confusion. A more spiritual approach to your life is in order, and this Neptune transit calls upon you to detach yourself from some of your more worldly and materialistic goals.
Your ruler, Mercury, turns retrograde typically at least three times in the course of a year. These periods are better used for reflection rather than for pushing personal plans ahead. In 2013, Mercury is retrograde from February 23-March 17, June 26-July 20, and October 21-November 10. These occur in your social houses ruling communications, learning, partnerships, and friendships, amongst other things, so that at times matters surrounding these things can stall while you come to a different perspective.
The North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar third house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning, communications, and connecting. You need to learn to listen to others so that you discover the value of true communication and exchange, and to see both sides of a situation. Learning to slow down, to be sensitive to social graces and networks, and to sensitize yourself to others' needs and communications, will release you from nervous tension and help you achieve more happiness and inner balance.
Eclipses in 2013 fall in your solar third and ninth houses. You will be learning to expand your horizons, possibly through contact with people from an entirely different background than yours, travel, or higher learning. Your personal philosophy will be changing, and eclipses give you a push towards adopting beliefs that truly work for you in the real world. You are learning about your need for self-expression through adventure. There may also be some sort of drama surrounding communication, modes of transportation, mobility, neighbors, or siblings that requires you to reorganize. In October, a Lunar Eclipse in Aries turns your attention to power dynamics, intimacy, and shared finances.
From May to November, you could be dealing with erratic sources of income or cash flow, particularly with money coming in from other sources than your own income. There can be challenges regarding whether a romance is casual or more than that.
Friendships are especially supportive in the second half of the year. A friend could be integral in achieving your goals, and partnering with a friend in some tangible way can be part of the picture this year. You might also enjoy a more goal-oriented, free-spirited, and tolerant relationship with an existing partner - you tend to be "on the same page". Some of you may take a friendship into unexplored romantic territory, or meet a significant person through a friend or group association. The lines of communication open up between you and a special someone. Sharing daily events and goings-on with one another gives you much pleasure. There can be a real learning experience with someone with whom you can bounce ideas off and come to a better understanding of how you define yourself. At least one friendship is likely to bring some joy into your life. Chances are excellent that you will find a lovely confidante this year -someone to share your daily activities and thoughts with - even if this is an online friend or other casual connection. A sibling may introduce you to a new group or friend this year. Whatever the case may be, grab the chance to share your thoughts with someone who is not too close to you. This will help to relieve stress that might come from having a finger in too many pies. You are likely to be brimming with ideas about how to go about manifesting your innermost desires and dreams. Networking is strong for you and opens you up to many new possibilities and ideas.

This Year in Love: Virgo

2013 Love Horoscope for Virgo
Love in 2013 is likely to be similar for most of you as it was in 2012, although this year brings stronger energy overall for coming to your own when it comes to knowing what (or who) you want, dear Virgo.
There is especially good energy between your sector of communication and your sector of romance and creativity this year, and this can play out in a variety of ways. Certainly, in 2013 you are especially interested in lovers or partners who stimulate your mind. You are communicating with more authority and clarity this year, and you may very well make love connections with people through your own writing, speaking, or learning endeavors. Others are attracted to your mind, knowledge, or self-expression, and you are attracted to people who engage you on a mental level. There may be a group association that connects you romantically, or a love interest with or through a friend can figure strongly. For some, there can be an involvement with an associate. July is likely to be one of the best months for attracting or enhancing love this year.
Pluto's presence in your romance sector is not new, and will be with you for many years to come, but continues to influence your love life in 2013. Experiences now can be intense, and are "designed" to get you closer to discovering your true heart's desire. This is not always an easy task, but it's a profound one, as many Virgos are discovering that they haven't been in touch with what they truly want or expect from love. Knowing this is ultimately empowering and can transform your love life considerably, as you are more likely to attract what and who truly fits in with your inner world. Neptune in your partnership sector sometimes has the opposite effect in that you may not be in touch with what you want from committed partnerships, but you are certainly drifting towards more romantic and spiritual connections. It's less about the flesh as it is about "everything else" - making a true connection. Still, Uranus in your intimacy sector continues to open your mind to new and sometimes unusual ways of expressing yourself intimately. It might also point to relationships that begin and end suddenly, however.
There is a pleasing, harmonious connection between the sector in your solar chart that rules committed partnerships and the sector that rules more casual love relationships, and this can point to an easier time combining the positive elements of both types of relationships into one.
In 2013 there is increased focus in general on business connections as well as expanded contact with friends, possibly through an association with a group or a cause.

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