Monday, March 31, 2014

This Year Leo 2014.2015

This Year Leo 2014.2015

A powerful year is ahead for you, dear Leo! Jupiter will move into your sign mid-July, stimulating a personal new beginning of sorts and upping your personal magnetism to new heights. Until then, you are in a strong period for healing and for doing inner work. Working on your communication skills is essential this year, particularly in the first half. You can be very active making connections and getting the word out now, but there can be some problems with impulsive or even brusque communications. This can also play out in terms of physical movement and transportation. Tone things down as much as possible, particularly on the job in January, and everywhere else from March to mid-May. some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning, communications, and connecting. You need to learn to listen to others so that you discover the value of true communication and exchange, and to see both sides of a situation. Learning to slow down, to be sensitive to social graces and networks, and to sensitize yourself to others' needs and communications, will release you from nervous tension and help you achieve more happiness and inner balance. You are also challenged to spend more time in your own neighborhood, with siblings, at school, and with family. The first half of 2014 is powerful for healing and serving - and thoroughly enjoying the process! There is some tendency to overdo escapism, however, which should be watched. May is especially strong for finalizing a creative project or reaping the rewards from one, as well as better energy for family affairs. While family and/or home life can be felt as restrictive and confining at times again this year, in May, there is more enjoyment or pride in taking on and meeting family responsibilities. You're doing a lot for others, and for the most part, you feel good about it, in the first half of the year. Perhaps your most important work in early 2014 is finding peace with the past. This will free you up for better enjoyment of the Jupiter in Leo transit that begins in the middle of July and runs well into 2015. There can be some lessened vitality or susceptibility to mild health issues. Home is not always the ideal place for escape and relaxation in recent years and in 2014. Making the home a healthier place, both physically and psychologically, will do much to improve this. There is more emotional sensitivity and openness this year as well. Increasingly, you're experiencing a greater need to explore your inner needs and psychological makeup. Watch for neglect or even deception in money dealings, particularly with others. Some of you could be racking up too much debt, or a significant other may be a drain on your resources in some way.
The second half of the year is about awakening. Your desire to truly live life rather than simply going through the motions becomes consuming now. You project yourself with more confidence, and many of you are enjoying a newfound confidence in your own body and manner. You are letting go of the more immature behavior patterns of the past and becoming especially comfortable in your own skin. This is a great time for improving your manner and appearance, although this tends to come with very little effort - it's a natural process. People truly like you, not necessarily for what you do, but for your personality, and they especially enjoy your company during this cycle. Personal pleasures, freedom, self-expression, and creativity are big on your list of priorities. Exciting energy is with many of you in your love life. You may be attracting foreigners, teachers, or intellectuals into your experience, and some of you can enter a long-distance romance or meet someone special through your travels. What is most important to you at this point in your life is a meeting of minds. You crave intellectual stimulation, and you're hungry to learn and experience new things. In the first half of the year, love may be on the complicated side (for some, it's absent). There may be a relationship that is private or sacrificial in some manner. From mid-year forward, there is a romantic revelation, blossoming, or awakening going on. Especially from September forward, there is excitement in your love life. It's also a strong time for travel, education, and recognition of your creative talents.

This Year Cancer 2014.2015

This Year Cancer 2014.2015

Expansive Jupiter continues to move through your sign this year, dear Cancer, until mid-July. If you haven't taken advantage of its gifts and blessings, it's time to do so. This is a time for a very positive new personal beginning and awakening. It's a period of increased confidence, and of others' confidence in you as well. One of the best things you can do for yourself this year, besides putting yourself "out there", is to work on taking charge of your home and family life, which may be demanding in the first half of 2014. Perhaps because the world is demanding a lot of your attention now, home life can be a little mixed up or hurried and hectic. One of the ways to improve your personal life is to consciously work on relaxing your standards for achievement in your profession or in the outside world, just enough to establish a nice balance. By working on your inner foundation and your "base", success will ricochet back to your public and professional lives. Confidence in your body, manner, and image increases now, and sometimes dramatically, allowing you more freedom to do what you want to do and to experience life on a "new and improved" level. Others truly enjoy being around you, and see you as the wonderful person that you are. It's not about your accomplishments, achievements, or performance at the moment - it's about who you are. The second half of 2014 brings new and quite wonderful energy to your finances, personal possessions, as well as your sense of comfort and security. There is stronger focus on the simple pleasures and comforts of life, although you might have your eye on something expensive or indulgent as well. It's actually a good time to make larger, significant purchases, generally speaking, and within reason. You might suddenly find yourself in the position to acquire a long-wanted item or experience. Earnings might expand now, but it's very important to be grateful at this time in your life. Look to expand, but don't overreach. Excess can trip you up at a time when you have real, solid opportunities to improve your lot in life.
Depending on what you want at this time in your life, it can be a time of more business or more leisure - whichever helps to make you feel content and that leads to a feeling of abundance. Even so, there can be times when you feel that you have less time or opportunities for pursuing your hobbies, a romance, or playful time with children. You may have less obvious "luck" on a social level at times. Kids can be more demanding, or your tastes may be changing in such a way that you derive less pleasure from the things that you previously enjoyed. Love is a serious matter again this year. You can be attracting intense, complicated, or even controlling people into your experience. May can bring stabilizing and helpful energy to a love relationship, however. There may not be big changes in relationships in 2014, but always a sense that changes are in the works. Especially from September forward, there can be sudden or unusual opportunities that arise with business, work, or money. There can be bold career moves and surprising opportunities. Some of you could free yourselves of heavy obligations, burdens, or debts, allowing you to move forward with more confidence and a happy feeling of liberation. You might discover and develop a talent, and others might suddenly recognize your value, in the job world especially. There can be discoveries about health and wellness programs that improve your outlook on life. Keep your eyes and mind open!

Monday, March 3, 2014

This Year Pisces 2014.2015

This Year Pisces 2014.2015

2014 continues the theme of learning to take your work hat off, dear Pisces, and truly enjoying yourself. In the first half of the year, and particularly from mid-March to mid-July, avenues open to express yourself in creative and romantic ways. This is a time for exploring your desires, different ways of "playing", and enjoying yourself in the process. By mid-July, ideally you'll have found more ways to entertain yourself and others, and the focus shifts to work, health, and daily habits. Opportunities to expand your reach and to improve your health abound. The year ahead is one of work and play, dear Pisces, but you may take either to excess at times! Love can be fun and casual this year. Intimacy can be a challenge, especially from February forward, but also an area of important life lessons. Admirers can be plenty - you're coming across very well! Relationships with children can prosper in 2014. If you need to make repairs or simply to improve the enjoyment factor in these relationships, this is an excellent time to do so. Energies of 2014 can bring out the escapist in you, particularly in the first half. Consider if this is doing more harm than good. Saturn helps out again this year by reminding you, gently, of your responsibilities. Work with this energy in order to come to a healthy balance. Use May's energies to stabilize a romance, monetize a hobby, join a higher learning program to upgrade your skills (especially creative ones), or make travel plans. Wonderful energy is brought to your work, daily routines, and health endeavors from mid-July forward. Especially from September on, your natural talents and skills are in high demand. If you're looking for work, this is an excellent time for opportunities. It's also strong for innovative new health and wellness routines. Money from work can improve or increase. This is a time for breakthroughs in your practical life. You bring more confidence and energy to your work and to your daily life as well as self-improvement efforts. A money-making or work idea may very well be golden at this time! Watch for overload, but do take advantage of this time to make real improvements. More profitable business areas this year include online, technology, creativity, health, and the service industry. The second half of the year especially is a time when your work ethic is recognizable and is integral to improving your income.
Financial matters can nag at you from time to time this year, however. The desire for more predictability may not be fulfilled this year. You're challenged to think outside of the box. Shared money and resources as well as loans and debts are areas of flux and change. This is a time for settling debts as much as possible. From March to mid-May, work on anger issues regarding a spouse, intimacy, debts, and obligations to others, which can be sensitive spots for you. There can be a wonderful focus on education this year - more responsibility and effort are put forth. It's an especially important period for upgrading your skills and doing research on professional goals, as you are coming to a professional peak of sorts beginning at the very end of 2014 and lasting until 2017.

This Year Gemini 2014.2015

This Year Gemini 2014.2015

2014 is a strong year for building and expanding, as well as for learning and connecting, dear Gemini. More day-to-day contact with friends and family can be healing and pleasurable. In the first half of the year, you are continuing a trend in which you are building and growing your material resources. This is a time of abundance on some level - you might acquire or purchase something of value that you've always wanted, invest, or enjoy an increase in business and income. There can be a strong emphasis on comfort and enjoying simple (and sometimes not so simple) pleasures. You can take great pleasure in growing a business or enjoying the comforts of a relationship. Some of the greatest joys and challenges this year come through your creativity, uniqueness, love affairs, and sharing your heart. In the first half of the year, these things may be problematic at times. People in your life, especially children, friends, and lovers, can be temperamental or there can be large demands on your time and energy. You need to make a conscious effort to deal with others in a more personal, involved, and loving manner, rather than falling back on reason and intellect which detaches you from your feelings. Learning to take personal risks, which requires a certain amount of self-confidence, will help you to achieve inner balance and happiness. You need to sort out feelings and desires, and watch for impulsiveness in love and with money. The second half of the year brings very strong energy for your social life and for learning, communicating, and new interests. You're especially sharp now. Your thinking and reasoning processes mature and grow. You are hungry to learn, to produce, and to share your ideas. Relationships with siblings, a partner, and even neighbors can improve significantly. Reaching out even in the smallest of ways can be rewarding and can even bring new opportunities into your life. Particularly from September forward, you can experience a newfound feeling of liberation in your thoughts and in your ability to express yourself. You are finding your voice in some way, and this can be connected to groups and friendships. Schools or your neighborhood and community can be important places for meeting new people and possibly even a partner. You bring an inspired and spirited approach to your dealings with others, and you are very much appreciated for this. Saturn and Pluto can act as "nags" this year, reminding you from time to time that you need to take better care of your health, pay more attention to your work, and dig a little more deeply into your own inner workings and desires. There can be some changing of priorities - what used to drive and motivate you may no longer inspire you. There is a strong need for a higher purpose to what you are doing. If friends or social affiliations have been holding you back, you may begin to move with a new crowd this year. Some of you may simply find new and exciting things to do with current contacts and friends.
2014 is stronger for committed, long-term partnerships than it is for casual love relationships and the world of dating, which can be up and down or unpredictable especially in the first half of the year. Even if you don't have a solid plan, and many of you don't quite yet, write, learn, and absorb as much as you can this year and until August 2015, because what you produce and the skills and the knowledge that you acquire now can be used later, possibly for great profit, when avenues can open up for using and developing these things to your long-term advantage.

This Year Scorpio 2014.2015

This Year Scorpio 2014.2015

The year ahead is a period for learning and manifesting, dear Scorpio, although there will be distinct introspective phases as well. The first half of the year is excellent for learning about the world around you and for updating your skills. Jupiter in favorable aspect to your sign can help mitigate some of the challenges of Saturn's transit through Scorpio, which is soon coming to an end. Study and learn as much as you can while your mind is a sponge, while educational opportunities are abundant, and while good teachers or mentors tend to be more available to you. This way, you'll be able to take fuller advantage of the career peak coming that begins as early as mid-year. There's money here, in addition to a stronger feeling that you're truly living life, rather than just going through the motions. May is strong for finances, especially connected to communications projects, publishing, and promotion. You may be finalizing a long-term project. Recent efforts can pay off nicely. The second half of the year is even stronger for finances, although you'll have to watch your spending, especially in October. This can be a time when you're projecting an image that shows others that you truly value yourself, and this can attract respect and possibly monetary rewards as well. This is a time for really putting yourself out there. People are noticing you, responding to you, respecting you, and valuing you. From mid-summer forward, you can gain recognition for your natural talents. Honors or awards might come your way. There can be a promotion for some. This is a time for starting a new business or expanding a current one. This can also be a strong time for connecting or re-connecting with a parent. Saturn in your sign all year (with the exception of the last week of 2014) is not a new energy for you, but those born in the second half of Scorpio will be feeling its energy more acutely. This is a strong period for diet, sports, and fitness, although the health may seem a little fragile at times, which can be most apparent in the first half of the year when it's important to listen to your body's signals for extra "down" time. The best way to manage Saturn's influence is to focus on working towards success in the long term, rather than paying too much attention to smaller frustrations and grievances. Love these days requires more than the regular, humdrum, or ordinary in order for your heart to engage. You're looking for bells and whistles, and bored or annoyed by the superficial or crass. In January, there may be some backtracking, slow-down, or complications in your love life.
Especially from September forward, there can be strong opportunities, often sudden or unexpected ones, associated with your work or routines. It's a period of innovation and advancement. Your job may improve your home life in some way now, or positively impacts your family. Family is more supportive of your goals. Your earning power improves. Health is also an area of focus, and alternative methods of healing or improving can present themselves. 2014 is a year for gaining more respect and acknowledgement. It's a time when believing in yourself, your competency, and your ability to take the lead opens up opportunities to you.

This Year Aries 2014.2015

This Year Aries 2014.2015

The difference between the first half of 2014 and the second half of the year can be like night and day for you, dear Aries. The first half of the year can find you more introspective than usual, and possibly indecisive and hesitant at times. It may be difficult for relationships, and possibly for health and personal plans with Venus retrograde until January 31st, and then Mars retrograde from March 1st to May 19th. However, you get the chance to reassess your attitude towards close relationships, as well as to your work and money situation. How can you improve your reputation and professional life? You may very well find the answer in January or February. Uranus continues to stimulate your need to assert your independence this year, but has the most direct effect on those Aries born March 29th to April 5th (9 to 16-1/2 degrees Aries). You are redefining how you want to live your life, and especially on your own terms. Pluto continues to transform your attitudes towards career and reputation, and has the most direct effect on Aries born March 31st to April 3rd (11 to 13-1/2 degrees). Jupiter brings the expansion of fun, entertainment, and for some, romance into your lives in the second half of the year, and especially from September forward. A beautiful aspect begins in September, affecting the whole sign of Aries but especially those born in the middle of the sign (April 2nd to 6th). New ventures, especially creative ones, are likely now, and can be especially exciting and innovating - even cutting edge. New friendships or travel opportunities are possible as well. And, it's about time! The second half of the year is about opening up. You're cheerful, taking things in stride, and confident in yourself. Romance can be especially fun. You're more fertile and creative. Kids can be a source of great joy for some. People are paying attention and enjoying you. Saturn acts as a bit of a nag for Aries again this year - guilt, adjustments, some worry: these are all possible. It also encourages you to take care of your debts, and to change your lifestyle to incorporate better habits. There can be some intimacy issues this year. There may be decreased desire for intimacy, possibly some fear or disdain for the confines of an intense relationship, or strains on existing partnerships. The second half of May is especially good for taking better care of money, and especially shared resources or debts and obligations. A real plan can be made - a realistic one. An overarching theme this year is set up by the North Node's entrance into your opposing sign (Libra) in February, and will continue into 2015. This is a time for reassessing your relationship needs, and particularly committed partnerships. For many Aries, the last few years have put a strain on this area of life, and now you'll be challenged to figure out what needs to change in order to reach a state of happiness. Jupiter helps from mid-year forward, but it may not be until 2015 when many Aries will find greater happiness in long-term, committed love relationships - or some will decide that this is not for them, and will be quite content with their choice. 2014 is more about experimentation and discovery.
2014 is a year for discovering what makes you truly happy, and new avenues for self-expression can seem to magically open up for you. The second half of the year focuses more heavily on having fun. This discovery period can involve some trial and error, and there may be times when you go to extremes. However, by the end of Jupiter's transit of your romance, creativity, and children sector in mid-2015, you'll likely come to a state of balance and better understanding. You can be hesitant about sharing yourself with anyone except those closest to you (family and people who are close enough to be like family) in the first half of the year, after which you blossom. This is especially true if you have done a lot of "work" on centering yourself and learning about your desires, wishes, and needs.