Monday, March 3, 2014

This Year Pisces 2014.2015

This Year Pisces 2014.2015

2014 continues the theme of learning to take your work hat off, dear Pisces, and truly enjoying yourself. In the first half of the year, and particularly from mid-March to mid-July, avenues open to express yourself in creative and romantic ways. This is a time for exploring your desires, different ways of "playing", and enjoying yourself in the process. By mid-July, ideally you'll have found more ways to entertain yourself and others, and the focus shifts to work, health, and daily habits. Opportunities to expand your reach and to improve your health abound. The year ahead is one of work and play, dear Pisces, but you may take either to excess at times! Love can be fun and casual this year. Intimacy can be a challenge, especially from February forward, but also an area of important life lessons. Admirers can be plenty - you're coming across very well! Relationships with children can prosper in 2014. If you need to make repairs or simply to improve the enjoyment factor in these relationships, this is an excellent time to do so. Energies of 2014 can bring out the escapist in you, particularly in the first half. Consider if this is doing more harm than good. Saturn helps out again this year by reminding you, gently, of your responsibilities. Work with this energy in order to come to a healthy balance. Use May's energies to stabilize a romance, monetize a hobby, join a higher learning program to upgrade your skills (especially creative ones), or make travel plans. Wonderful energy is brought to your work, daily routines, and health endeavors from mid-July forward. Especially from September on, your natural talents and skills are in high demand. If you're looking for work, this is an excellent time for opportunities. It's also strong for innovative new health and wellness routines. Money from work can improve or increase. This is a time for breakthroughs in your practical life. You bring more confidence and energy to your work and to your daily life as well as self-improvement efforts. A money-making or work idea may very well be golden at this time! Watch for overload, but do take advantage of this time to make real improvements. More profitable business areas this year include online, technology, creativity, health, and the service industry. The second half of the year especially is a time when your work ethic is recognizable and is integral to improving your income.
Financial matters can nag at you from time to time this year, however. The desire for more predictability may not be fulfilled this year. You're challenged to think outside of the box. Shared money and resources as well as loans and debts are areas of flux and change. This is a time for settling debts as much as possible. From March to mid-May, work on anger issues regarding a spouse, intimacy, debts, and obligations to others, which can be sensitive spots for you. There can be a wonderful focus on education this year - more responsibility and effort are put forth. It's an especially important period for upgrading your skills and doing research on professional goals, as you are coming to a professional peak of sorts beginning at the very end of 2014 and lasting until 2017.

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