Monday, March 3, 2014

This Year Aries 2014.2015

This Year Aries 2014.2015

The difference between the first half of 2014 and the second half of the year can be like night and day for you, dear Aries. The first half of the year can find you more introspective than usual, and possibly indecisive and hesitant at times. It may be difficult for relationships, and possibly for health and personal plans with Venus retrograde until January 31st, and then Mars retrograde from March 1st to May 19th. However, you get the chance to reassess your attitude towards close relationships, as well as to your work and money situation. How can you improve your reputation and professional life? You may very well find the answer in January or February. Uranus continues to stimulate your need to assert your independence this year, but has the most direct effect on those Aries born March 29th to April 5th (9 to 16-1/2 degrees Aries). You are redefining how you want to live your life, and especially on your own terms. Pluto continues to transform your attitudes towards career and reputation, and has the most direct effect on Aries born March 31st to April 3rd (11 to 13-1/2 degrees). Jupiter brings the expansion of fun, entertainment, and for some, romance into your lives in the second half of the year, and especially from September forward. A beautiful aspect begins in September, affecting the whole sign of Aries but especially those born in the middle of the sign (April 2nd to 6th). New ventures, especially creative ones, are likely now, and can be especially exciting and innovating - even cutting edge. New friendships or travel opportunities are possible as well. And, it's about time! The second half of the year is about opening up. You're cheerful, taking things in stride, and confident in yourself. Romance can be especially fun. You're more fertile and creative. Kids can be a source of great joy for some. People are paying attention and enjoying you. Saturn acts as a bit of a nag for Aries again this year - guilt, adjustments, some worry: these are all possible. It also encourages you to take care of your debts, and to change your lifestyle to incorporate better habits. There can be some intimacy issues this year. There may be decreased desire for intimacy, possibly some fear or disdain for the confines of an intense relationship, or strains on existing partnerships. The second half of May is especially good for taking better care of money, and especially shared resources or debts and obligations. A real plan can be made - a realistic one. An overarching theme this year is set up by the North Node's entrance into your opposing sign (Libra) in February, and will continue into 2015. This is a time for reassessing your relationship needs, and particularly committed partnerships. For many Aries, the last few years have put a strain on this area of life, and now you'll be challenged to figure out what needs to change in order to reach a state of happiness. Jupiter helps from mid-year forward, but it may not be until 2015 when many Aries will find greater happiness in long-term, committed love relationships - or some will decide that this is not for them, and will be quite content with their choice. 2014 is more about experimentation and discovery.
2014 is a year for discovering what makes you truly happy, and new avenues for self-expression can seem to magically open up for you. The second half of the year focuses more heavily on having fun. This discovery period can involve some trial and error, and there may be times when you go to extremes. However, by the end of Jupiter's transit of your romance, creativity, and children sector in mid-2015, you'll likely come to a state of balance and better understanding. You can be hesitant about sharing yourself with anyone except those closest to you (family and people who are close enough to be like family) in the first half of the year, after which you blossom. This is especially true if you have done a lot of "work" on centering yourself and learning about your desires, wishes, and needs.

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