Monday, March 31, 2014

This Year Cancer 2014.2015

This Year Cancer 2014.2015

Expansive Jupiter continues to move through your sign this year, dear Cancer, until mid-July. If you haven't taken advantage of its gifts and blessings, it's time to do so. This is a time for a very positive new personal beginning and awakening. It's a period of increased confidence, and of others' confidence in you as well. One of the best things you can do for yourself this year, besides putting yourself "out there", is to work on taking charge of your home and family life, which may be demanding in the first half of 2014. Perhaps because the world is demanding a lot of your attention now, home life can be a little mixed up or hurried and hectic. One of the ways to improve your personal life is to consciously work on relaxing your standards for achievement in your profession or in the outside world, just enough to establish a nice balance. By working on your inner foundation and your "base", success will ricochet back to your public and professional lives. Confidence in your body, manner, and image increases now, and sometimes dramatically, allowing you more freedom to do what you want to do and to experience life on a "new and improved" level. Others truly enjoy being around you, and see you as the wonderful person that you are. It's not about your accomplishments, achievements, or performance at the moment - it's about who you are. The second half of 2014 brings new and quite wonderful energy to your finances, personal possessions, as well as your sense of comfort and security. There is stronger focus on the simple pleasures and comforts of life, although you might have your eye on something expensive or indulgent as well. It's actually a good time to make larger, significant purchases, generally speaking, and within reason. You might suddenly find yourself in the position to acquire a long-wanted item or experience. Earnings might expand now, but it's very important to be grateful at this time in your life. Look to expand, but don't overreach. Excess can trip you up at a time when you have real, solid opportunities to improve your lot in life.
Depending on what you want at this time in your life, it can be a time of more business or more leisure - whichever helps to make you feel content and that leads to a feeling of abundance. Even so, there can be times when you feel that you have less time or opportunities for pursuing your hobbies, a romance, or playful time with children. You may have less obvious "luck" on a social level at times. Kids can be more demanding, or your tastes may be changing in such a way that you derive less pleasure from the things that you previously enjoyed. Love is a serious matter again this year. You can be attracting intense, complicated, or even controlling people into your experience. May can bring stabilizing and helpful energy to a love relationship, however. There may not be big changes in relationships in 2014, but always a sense that changes are in the works. Especially from September forward, there can be sudden or unusual opportunities that arise with business, work, or money. There can be bold career moves and surprising opportunities. Some of you could free yourselves of heavy obligations, burdens, or debts, allowing you to move forward with more confidence and a happy feeling of liberation. You might discover and develop a talent, and others might suddenly recognize your value, in the job world especially. There can be discoveries about health and wellness programs that improve your outlook on life. Keep your eyes and mind open!

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