Saturday, November 2, 2013

This Month Virgo November 2013

This Month Virgo November 2013


While the month can get off to a rather hectic, scattered, and possibly difficult start, dear Virgo, you're likely to end it feeling that you've accomplished a lot. Mars is in your sign, and this influence tends to empower you with courage. However, with your ruler, Mercury, retrograde until the 10th, you may not be feeling quite so spontaneous and brave. Major decision making is best tackled after the 10th, when energy levels increase and indecisiveness no longer plagues you. As confident and energetic as you feel, however, avoid taking on too many new projects, as you're likely to feel their weight in the last week of the month, when you'll want nothing more than to spend your extra time relaxing at home. Moderation and focus are keys to success now. Circumstances can force you to rearrange your daily schedule or studies this month, and while there can be a lot of pressure to get organized, the end result is positive. Some might be dealing with previously buried family problems, a reality check in a learning endeavor or communications project, or transportation complications. Group and networking activities may take a hit. Your busy life may have pushed romantic matters to the back burner, but Venus entering your solar fifth house on November 5th, and transiting that sector of your chart for four months, romantic needs will make themselves known. For others, the need for entertainment, fun, and creative expression grows. Fortunately, you come across in an especially favorable light with this transit. 

This Month Scorpio November 2013

This Month Scorpio November 2013


 Self-involvement this month is actually quite natural and necessary, dear Scorpio, with Mercury, Saturn, and the Sun in your sign, and a Solar Eclipse occurring in Scorpio on the 3rd. This is a time for relying on yourself, making important internal changes, and greeting the world with more confidence and a healthy level of entitlement. If you are looking to change your image, now is a good time to do so. However, someone is likely to pull you out of your shell around the Full Moon on the 17th, which can alert you to relationship matters that need special attention. As well, be especially cautious that the words you use to express yourself this month are constructive, particularly until the 10th while Mercury is still retrograde in your sign. Your words have extra impact this month. Helping you out in this respect is compromising, graceful Venus in your communications sector from the 5th forward. You can express your affections poetically or persuasively. Personal pressures tend to ease from the 22nd forward, as the spotlight moves away from you a little and you can better tend to other concerns and interests. Friends this month can be your greatest supporters and allies, while those closer to you may not always see eye to eye with you. Romantic and creative projects move forward around this time as well.

This Month Aries November 2013

This Month Aries November 2013

There can be a need to take a hard look at both spending and debts this month, dear Aries, as you may be accountable for recent neglect or extravagance. Some of you could be dealing with this energy on an intimate level, and you might question issues of sharing, fairness, and power dynamics in a partnership. For example, circumstances may be such that you suddenly see huge imbalances or discrepancies. Fortunately, you have a lot of energy for work and self-care programs this month, and not a whole lot stands in the way of pursuing your goals. You can easily get all fired up and ready for action when it comes to tending to your daily routines, fitness, nutrition programs, and detail work. Work out frustrations or troubling emotions by keeping active and getting a lot of fresh air and light this month. Venus moves into your career and reputation sector on the 5th, helping to endear you to authority figures (bosses and parents, for example), the general public if appropriate, and to business colleagues. Transits of Venus to a house generally last about a month, but this one stretches on for four months, so you'll have plenty of time to win others over and advance your business goals. Pressures tend to ease from the 10th, and then even more so from the 22nd, when your overall focus shifts from dark and intense to outgoing and positive. The 18-19 is very strong for family relations and efforts to make both work and home life more balanced, organized, but also enjoyable.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Month Sagittarius October 2013

  Month Sagittarius October 2013


Friendships are in high focus this month, dear Sagittarius, but not necessarily easy. In fact, some of you may be severing ties with a friend or group, while others may simply experience tensions. Happily, Venus enters your sign on the 7th, where it will transit for approximately a month. This not only boosts your personal magnetism, it might also bring a new and happy friendship into your life. The 16-18 is especially powerful for your love and social life. Surprises and drama are part of the picture now. You may be bringing something new to your manner or appearance that wins you extra attention. There are few better times to put yourself out there. Around the same time, career and public life begin to bring their demands. You are more ambitious and desirous of recognition for all that you do, after a short hump around the 19th when you wonder if you can manage all that you have on your plate. Saturn and retrograde Mercury in your soul sector this month can point to some serious, thought-provoking moments. This is a time for setting a past error right, or for finally dealing with something that has been causing you to feel guilt. Around the 7-8 and 29th, you may be privy to important information that was previously unavailable to you. The last week of the month especially requires a little more rest and introspection than usual as your yearly solar cycle moves towards a close.  


Month Scorpio October 2013

 Month Scorpio October 2013



 Your soul sector is strong this month, dear Scorpio, suggesting that you should focus on spiritual renewal, dealing with matters that need to be put behind you, and getting extra rest and time for reflection. While the Sun enters your sign on the 23rd, Mercury in Scorpio turns retrograde around the same time, further pointing to the need to re-assess key elements of your life. While focusing on the past is appropriate, do so with an eye for making improvements. Watch for negativity and focusing too heavily on past grievances, especially around the 8th and 29-31. A journal can help if difficult buried matter surfaces, which is quite likely. Positively, you might be asked - and valued - for your opinion around these dates. You are certainly gaining more and more credibility and respect these days, and October is no exception. Health is a possible issue this month, particularly around the 18th. Take better care of yourself than usual. Finances are in stronger form this month. Whether or not your cash flow actually increases, good prospects are likely to present themselves, which can fire up motivation. However, watch for risky ventures, over-spending, or putting more value into something than it's worth on the 9-10. You might receive recognition for something you do well, although it is likely to come with more responsibility. From the 21st, work pressures tend to ease. Your social life is busier now. 


This Month Pisces October 2013

This Month Pisces October 2013


 Time spent getting in touch with your deepest needs and desires, and perhaps ridding yourself of bad habits, is time very well spent this month. Intimate and deeply personal matters capture your attention. It's a strong period for research of any kind, intimately connecting with loved ones, and self-improvement programs. If quitting bad habits are health-related, take full advantage of Mars' transit of your solar sixth house until the 15th, bringing increased energy and motivation for health and fitness efforts. From the 7th, social connections on the job can be both pleasing and profitable. Your increased ability to smooth over differences is especially helpful if Mars stirs up some conflicts with co-workers. On the 9-10, however, you might feel taken advantage of or in a difficult position. Partnerships heat up from the 15th forward, and any problems swept under the carpet may now surface for resolution. Financial affairs demand attention all month, and especially around the 18th. Money owed may require handling. Instability with income can be magnified in order to capture your attention. It's time to deal with outstanding debts and to take steps to bring more security and stability into your life. A partner may be particularly strong-minded now. By the last week of the month, the rest of the world seems to play in your style. A taste for the exotic and wild imaginings grab hold. Opportunities to break out of your normal routine abound and excite, particularly on the 25-26.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The time now is all the cities and villages of the world

The time now is all the cities and villages of the world The time now is all the cities and villages of the world place the cursor on any area of the world to show you below at far left that region and also beneficial to the timing of prayer anywhere in the world

Friday, September 27, 2013

What Jupiter's transit through Cancer means to you

What Jupiter's transit through Cancer means to you

Jupiter enters Cancer on June 25th, 2013, and stays in this cardinal water sign until July 16th, 2014. See how this transit affects each zodiac sign below.
Jupiter's effects are to expand our experiences, our knowledge, and our understanding. Jupiter represents optimism, growth, generosity, joy, and abundance. In Sagittarius, Jupiter urged us to increase our cultural and spiritual awareness, to expand our higher minds, to broaden our experiences, and to have faith in the universe. In Capricorn, Jupiter urged us to define goals, seek out tangible results, act ethically and maturely, and to take a disciplined and step-by-step approach to realizing our goals. In Aquarius, Jupiter urged us to think and act in terms of social reform and to value humanitarian action, to think progressively and to value freedom, individuality, group goals and visions. In Pisces, Jupiter urged us to give of ourselves, and to embrace compassion and imagination. In Aries, Jupiter urged us to make our own opportunities, to believe in ourselves, and to take charge of our lives. In Taurus, Jupiter urged us to enjoy and appreciate what we already have, and to adopt a patient approach to achieving our goals. In Gemini, Jupiter urged us to learn as much as we could about the people around us, as well as to learn, share, and connect.
Cancer is a water sign. With a Water sign Jupiter, we have a strong belief in a higher power. We are most able to attract luck and rich life experiences through our intuition, imagination, and compassion. Helping those in need boosts our own morale. More specifically with Jupiter in Cancer, we attract the most good fortune when we are sympathetic, charitable, use our powers to save and accumulate, and comfort others. Real estate, child care, mother care, and the food industry can be prosperous avenues.
During this Jupiter in Cancer cycle, we place strong emphasis and value on the emotions and maternal instincts. We see opportunities to grow and succeed through emotional channels, expanding our own foundations, and building our families. We are more inclined to believe that emotional intelligence is the major keys to solving problems. Connecting intimately is valued.
Jupiter not only likes to expand, it likes to learn, so  when Jupiter is paired with Cancer, we may be more interested in learning about our roots, exploring genealogy, learning about family  traditions, and the like. We might value real estate, owning a home, expanding our home, and building a family. We might have more faith in our family, as its value increases in our eyes.Jupiter's zeal can supersede moderation at times. It can expand the more negative qualities of a sign, just as it can expand the positive traits. Its zeal and enthusiasm is well-intentioned, but it can blind us to our immoderate behavior. In Cancer, negative manifestations include sticking too close to home or to all that is familiar at the expense of other life departments, eating too much (comfort food), smothering others, pampering ourselves, manipulative and roundabout behaviors, and clinging behaviors. Excessive clannishness is also a potential problem.
However, the "higher" vibration of Jupiter looks for perspective. Jupiter's "perspective" isn't a detached, analytical, or detailed look at any given situation, but an overview--a look at the "big picture". With Jupiter, ideally, we are able to rise above pettiness, mundane concerns, inconveniences, and the like. Where Jupiter is currently transiting in your own chart is generally where you are inclined to find your "joy" at this stage in your development. This area of your life expands and improves in some manner. There is also a need for new tools to develop these areas of life. In order to expand, we need to pursue our goals with confidence and optimism, without going overboard.
Jupiter spends just over a year in Cancer. The last time Jupiter transited Cancer was from July 2001 to August 2002. What we started during this period is now enjoying a Jupiter return, so that it might blossom, increase, or require adjustments in order to grow further. Before that period, Jupiter was in Cancer from August 1989 to August 1990.

In a general sense, this is how Jupiter's transit through Cancer affects the different Sun signs (or, more appropriately, Ascendant signs):


Jupiter entering Cancer places Jupiter in your home and family sector. From June 2013 to July 2014, you are likely to experience benefits to home, family, property, and domestic comfort matters. Much joy and pleasure can be found in your family connections and experiences and/or your home life during this cycle. An increased sense of security and safety may be derived from your domestic life. Improvements to your home life, family, and basic psychological foundation are in focus. You might find that inner and personal experiences are more important to you during this cycle than more worldly ones. Opportunities to buy or sell real estate for financial gain may present themselves. Home improvements and renovations are favored, as is moving to a new dwelling (more spacious or larger homes are likely now). Some of you may buy or sell a house, and others may welcome a new addition to the family. You may move to a larger or more comfortable home; or you might enhance your existing home in such a way that makes you feel happier, perhaps by de-cluttering your space. Long-standing family problems may be ironed out. Relationships with parents and other family members go well. You may find enjoyment in getting in touch with your roots or family traditions. There could be a family reunion, vacation, or other happy events that reconnect you to your roots. Your parents may help you financially or an inheritance is possible for some of you. You take more pleasure in nurturing others. A stronger sense of psychological well-being may come now, as you take less interest in more worldly ambitions and activities. If an upsetting change occurs in the home or family unit, it may very well be a blessing in disguise. Family can be supportive and helpful. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. This can be a good time for clearing up guilt and resentment that you may be carrying from childhood conditioning. With the ruler of your solar ninth house now moving through your solar fourth house, some of you could be taking formal courses from home. Some of you could become closer with in-laws during this period, and some Aries might welcome friends from overseas into their homes from June 2013 to July 2014. This is an excellent time generally speaking to begin a new venture that you'd like to be long-term and prosperous. Focus now is on your foundations and building your inner world so that you feel secure.


Jupiter transiting Cancer places the planet of plenty in a creative sextile to your Sun and in your solar third house. From June 2013 to July 2014, educational and communication opportunities present themselves. You may increase your knowledge and skills set, and find much enjoyment in so doing. During this long-term, approximately year-long trend, neighbors or relatives could be especially helpful in your life. You express your ideas with more enthusiasm and positivity, and they are received well. You are able to comprehend more complicated subjects and problems, and you are able to explain them in such a way that others can readily understand; thus, teaching, authoring, or otherwise delivering information may be prosperous now. Higher level studies, courses, and perhaps some travel opportunities might arise during this cycle, although the tendency may be to move about more frequently close to home rather than venturing far away. Many of you will benefit from taking courses if you aren't already doing so, and those already involved in studies will benefit more than usual during this period. You may decide to buy a new car, or transportation opportunities present themselves, making it much easier for you to get from point A to point B. Gifts, benefits, or other opportunities may come through visits, short trips, messages, emails, or they could come through contacts with siblings, classmates, and neighbors. Some sort of positive news or announcement is likely to be part of the picture. If you're an author, teacher, or other position in communications, you will find more opportunities to advance your trade as your creative juices flow nicely. If you're a student, school is especially favored. If you're in business, you are likely to find sales are especially strong. In general, you find much joy in communicating, learning, and socializing. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. With the ruler of your solar eighth house now moving through your solar third house, you are more perceptive and have stronger intuition, especially about people you meet. Communications can be deeper and richer, and intimate topics can be very enjoyable to share and explore intellectually. There can be opportunities through meetings, courses, teaching, and connections made in the neighborhood or through siblings. There can be a bonus or inheritance. Some existing problems with siblings or neighbors could surface now and then can be put to rest. With Jupiter, always keep in mind that while opportunities present themselves that have a positive influence in your life, Jupiter expands and magnifies all that it touches, so that if you are having difficulties in these areas of life, these problems may be magnified before they can be dealt with. So, for example, if you have difficulties with a sibling relationship (one of the things ruled by the solar third house), this might be magnified now and this way you can better deal with it and solve the problem. Taking on too many daily activities, communications, new interests, and learning endeavors or studies can be a problem now. Don't overload your plate. The more excessive tendencies of this transit are more likely to be experienced in August and September 2013. However, for the most part, you are likely to enjoy more opportunities through your communications and contact with others during this cycle in 2013. You might find that you travel less or not at all, and that you are busier locally. There can be generosity to and from family, siblings, or neighbors, or benefits and opportunities arising through them. You can be better at pushing or spreading your ideas, and new opportunities to communicate or new channels for communication can open up. When Jupiter is challenged, you may be a little more accident-prone, you might procrastinate or exaggerate. You might also take on so much that you don't know where to begin, or so that you learn a lot about many things but not enough about any one particular subject.


Jupiter moves out of your sign and into the solar second house. From June 2013 to July 2014, Jupiter is transiting your money, values, and possessions sector. During this time, you are likely to see and enjoy benefits to your earning power and value system. Jupiter in this sector of your chart could very well bring a profitable and productive year. You are likely to feel more confident and enthusiastic about your ability to earn a living, and this can help you to attract more income, as long as you are realistic. You might decide to develop your talents during this Jupiter cycle, which in turn boosts your earning power. Your income might increase, and there may be an opportunity to improve your future financial situation. However, you may also be just as inclined to splurge on yourself, opting to plump up your nest or your store of personal possessions in order to feel more secure. Money problems from the past may clear up during this period if you use it appropriately, developing budgets and working out ways to better manage your resources. You may be adding to your possessions, you could be the recipient of some large item or gift, or a major purchase or sale might occur now. A significant gift or bonus may come your way. This is a good time to work with financial institutions, go for a raise, or apply for a loan. You may need to curb an inclination to overspend--feeling good could bring you to the stores as you temporarily forget about the future! The positive circumstances listed here won't necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. You might also feel the need to learn new skills in order to increase your opportunities. Because Jupiter rules your seventh house, your sense of wealth might increase because of a significant other, whether it's simply about sharing expenses or pooling your resources. Some of you could earn income handling others' money or through fields in which one-to-one consultations figure strongly. Focus now is on what makes you feel secure, and growth that speaks most to you at this time is the kind that is measurable, such as in terms of monetary values or personal possessions. During this cycle, money or possessions from a significant other or from one-on-one services such as counselling or consulting can increase and boost your own sense of security and wealth. If you're overconfident about your ability to make money, then you might take foolish risks, such as borrowing from your future, and this tendency tends to be especially strong in September. August can bring a conflict over someone else's resources or money.


Jupiter entering your sign is particularly beneficial and significant for you, as Jupiter is now on your Sun in your solar first house or in your first house if you have a Cancer Ascendant. This transit brings improvements to your immediate environment and self-confidence as well as increased generosity to your personality. Your personality is more obviously expansive, exuberant, and enthusiastic. Jupiter's transit to Cancer and your first house heightens your optimism and generosity, and the entire cycle has the potential for being a relaxed, fortunate, and hopeful time in your life. You are greeting life with a fresh, can-do attitude. What happened in the past is not very important to you now--it's the future you're eyeing now. Events occur that help you to overcome problems that previously seemed challenging or even insurmountable--you have an altogether different perspective on life now, and are not inclined much to sweat the small stuff. You create a distinct first impression on others, and your likeability increases. Furthering your personal ambitions and interests comes more easily during this cycle. At times, you may feel like the sky is the limit! You might need to guard against becoming too full of yourself or overly self-interested, however. There is also a risk of overindulgence and other forms of excessive behavior. Jupiter can bring endings into your life in order for you to grow, although these are generally easy ones. A carefree attitude is different than a careless one, and the fine line between the two is definitely something to consider. You feel considerably freer to be yourself, and others tend to accept you more readily. The positive circumstances of this transit won't necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once, although they are more likely due to Jupiter's direct influence on your life. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities, and always watch for carelessness and excessive behavior. Because Jupiter rules your solar sixth house, this can also be a time when it's easier to find employment or work that suits you well. It's a strong time for self-improvement efforts, particularly because Jupiter rules your sector of health, work, and self-care. Expanding your horizons through higher learning or travel might also figure strongly. This is a time for aligning your behavior with what you believe is right. You are taking more "me" time, which is in fact long overdue. Opportunities come more readily if you take a chance on yourself - when you act with confidence and conviction.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Month Sagittarius September 2013

 Month Sagittarius September 2013

September is a time to shine on a professional or public level, dear Sagittarius. The more responsible and competent side of your nature is activated, and others more easily place their faith in you. It's a good time to ask for what you have been wanting from a higher-up, or for promotion and sponsorship, and the 5-7 is excellent for moving projects ahead. While your personal life may be on the backburner much of September, your family and domestic life requires special attention around the Full Moon on the 19th. There can be a reality to face about the past on the 18th, but it's an empowering time in general, as you are in need of some grounding. Personal responsibilities become clear. You may have more resources to invest into your career or business. Being in a position of responsibility or authority is something you place a high value on this month. Partnerships are friendly, and singles are more likely to find romance through educational or travel pursuits - socially speaking, it's not the time to journey along familiar or routine routes, especially when doors are opening for you on the 13th. Mars is helping you out all month, and this means you can assert yourself naturally and confidently, and you can pursue your goals more directly, save for some potential obstacles on the 9th.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This Month Libra September 2013

This Month Libra September 2013


September 2013
September can be a pleasant month if you take extra time to relax, listen to your intuition, and avoid pushing matters, dear Libra. A lot is going on in the background now, hidden connections are being made, and while at times life may seem as if it's slowing down, it's a good time for allowing things to emerge naturally. Venus in your sign until the 11th boosts your powers of attraction, so that your personal magnetism soars even while you are slightly unavailable and insular. While September begins rather quietly for you, by the last week of the month, you are in demand and on show. From the 22nd, ideally you have rid yourself of worries and guilt that have been holding you back, and you experience renewed confidence. Finances can make a turnaround around the 18-22. Delays and worries you have been experiencing with funds and possessions fade away. A big purchase or commitment can be made on the 18th. A partner's changes affect you around the Full Moon on the 19th. Profits or recognition can come from communications projects. Wonderful energy is with you for work, career, health, and reputation this month. You seem to intuitively know your next move. Delays, setbacks, and opposition are more likely on the 9, 14-16, and 28th. You may want to take advantage of opportunities arising on the 18-20 and 26th.

Monday, September 16, 2013

This Month Leo September 2013

 This Month Leo September 2013


This Month Leo

September 2013
While energies are high all month, dear Leo, generally speaking, emotions settle in September up until the last week, when the pace quickens again. This is a time for building, and your larger focus is on immediate practical concerns and the infrastructure of your personal plans. If you need to get organized, use the energy of the New Moon on the 5th to your advantage, and ride on smooth, helpful energy coming your way on the 6-7. You could feel that you have a guardian angel at this time. Money matters should be strong. While the 9th requires some slowing down and dealing with possible delays, the 13-14 is powerful for progressive, original, and fresh ideas as well as for fruitful connections. Those involved in education should thrive this month. The 18-19 is good for committing to a home or family project. The ability to see things more realistically feels right, and also empowering. Meeting your responsibilities is important now. Work matters intensify from the 20th. While power struggles might emerge, you are feeling more equipped to handle problems than ever. Vitalizing trends in your life make September a strong month for getting into stronger physical shape, although with Mars in your sign all month, it's also important that you avoid pushing too hard or too fast.

Friday, September 13, 2013

This Month Virgo September 2013

This Month Virgo September 2013

September is a strong month for making an impression, dear Virgo, but you are not necessarily ready to make your intentions known. That will come more naturally when Mars enters your sign in mid-October. While you may be feeling misunderstood at times, you are nevertheless getting noticed and appreciated, even if it's simply admiration from afar. The New Moon is in your sign on the 5th, and this brings good energy for moving your personal and professional plans forward. Others are noticing your abilities, and if you need work, there is a good chance opportunities will pop up now. Activities with groups or friends are energizing and supportive this month, and especially from the 6-7. Be sure to network at this time. There can be a strong need to get organized with your money mid-month, and some of you could be making an important purchase or commitment. Revelations in close partnerships could be either exciting or rattling around the 18-19. Either way, they prompt a desire to change your whole outlook on life and the way you relate to the world. You are ready to kick bad habits, start fresh, and present a more self-assured "you" to the world in September, but with Mars in your privacy sector all month, it is also important to listen to your intuition, and to allow the natural course of your life show you the way to the next step.

Friday, August 16, 2013

horoscope daily Aries Aug - Sep 2013

 horoscope daily Aries Aug - Sep 2013

Jul 31, 2013 (Jul 30, 2013 to Aug 2, 2013) Moo 3rd H.

Your communication and interaction with others is colored by emotional considerations and your need to have an emotional rapport and to feel a kinship with others. However, events from the past and subjective assessments and feelings which may have little basis in the present may also influence your thinking at this time.

Aug 3, 2013 (Aug 2, 2013 to Aug 2, 2013) Moo Sqr Asc

You are apt to feel at odds with yourself or other people right now, as if you can't quite get into a comfortable rhythm or flow with what is happening in your environment. Oversensitivity and childish impulses are stronger than usual.

Aug 3, 2013 (Aug 1, 2013 to Aug 5, 2013) Moo 4th H.

Your desire for comfort, security, and privacy is stronger now and spending some quality time with your family or by yourself at home is satisfying. This is a time for going within to replenish yourself in order to meet the challenges and stresses of your usual activities. Domestic or family matters are emphasized.

Aug 5, 2013 (Aug 5, 2013 to Aug 5, 2013) Moo Trine Asc

Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. You're likely to take the path of least resistance and to stay with whatever has proven trustworthy and safe, rather than making significant changes. Relationships with females are helpful now.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

This Month Gemini August 2013

 This Month Gemini August 2013

 Gemini August 2013

August 2013
August is bound to be a fast-paced month for you, dear Gemini. You are especially active, communicative, and thoroughly ready to take action on ideas that have been whirling in your head. In the last week of the month, more personal responsibilities and desires are highlighted, but until then, you are generally sociable and on the go. The 4-6 can bring pleasant surprises, communications, and inspiration from friends. New interests can figure strongly, and school or learning endeavors are highlighted. It's a great month for making friends through institutes of learning. Progressive outside-of-the-box thinking is important now, as it opens up more opportunities. From the 16th, Venus' presence in your romance and play sector can bring a light-hearted, positive energy to your love life. Personal appeal increases. Much focus on dealing with the mundane details of life can have you itching for adventure or simply a change around the Full Moon on the 20th. This month, if you've been overconfident with money and resources, there may be some consequences to face. As much as possible, avoid taking foolish risks, particularly involving borrowing from your future through incurring excessive debt, procrastination, or through waste and neglect of important responsibilities. A conflict over someone else's resources or money can come to a head this month. If you are accumulating personal possessions too quickly, this can lead to clutter and disorganization.

Both borrowing and lending can lead to problems or disputes. On the 25-26, your dreams and visions may be put to the test and you are called upon to back them up with hard facts. After this hurdle, you're likely to thoroughly enjoy connections with family and personal time for yourself after a sometimes hectic but productive month.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sagittarius expectations August 2013

Sagittarius expectations August 2013

Sagittarius  this Month Sagittarius

August 2013
Educational goals, travel, and contact with people from an entirely different background than yours are big themes in August for you, dear Sagittarius. Institutes of higher learning or foreign places hold stronger appeal and could be the backdrop for interesting twists to your life story, particularly around the New Moon on the 6th, when pleasant surprises in your love life can also figure strongly. This month, you are learning about your need for self-expression through adventuresome activities. In the second half of the month, love can more easily be found in group activities or through friends. Domestic matters demand sensitive attention around the Full Moon on the 20th. Responsibilities on the job increase around the 23-24. This month, guard against risky financial moves, gambling, and the like. You might experience some conflict involving your pursuit of pleasure. Relationships with loved ones are intense, heated, and dramatic, particularly if money is in question. Unsettled financial matters could get in the way of your desire to indulge in extra-curricular activities. Taking on too much debt or relying too heavily on others for support are things to watch for. Avoid pushing too hard and taking risks with money and your heart. In the last week of the month, focusing on work can be motivating and energizing.

Leo expectations August 2013

  Leo expectations August 2013


 August 2013

With the Sun in your sign until the 23rd, all eyes are on you, and you like it that way, dear Leo. Even so, Mars doesn't reach your sign until the 27th, so energy levels may be low and you could be feeling on the fence about a number of matters, after which you confidently and perhaps aggressively go after what you want. The New Moon in your sign on the 6th boosts your personal magnetism. It can also bring pleasant surprises regarding travel or educational pursuits. With Jupiter in your spiritual sector, your general tendency is to play a supportive role to others this year. However, if taken too far, you will need to draw some boundaries when it comes to your energy and time. With Jupiter challenged this month, you might be dealing with more-than-usual pressures with work, your health, or simply inner restlessness. Inner confidence may be shaky at this time as you try to regain your power. Mundane tasks capture your attention, but the urge to get out and about is bound to grab hold of you as well. Finding a balance can be difficult, but necessary. There is a fair amount of activity in your financial sectors in August, and you can expect some opportunities to improve your financial lot in life. However, difficulties can arise if you are turning a blind eye to debts or a partner's contributions and spending. Mercury in your sign from the 8-24 boosts your ability to socialize and make important connections. The 14th can be particularly strong for meeting interesting people.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Learn How is your life

Blog expectations of the stars .. Blog is concerned with the movement of the stars and planets and astronomy

Everything in this universe of masterminding the Almighty Creator. And the movement of the stars and the planet and changing their homes and trends and times .. Are signs of public events and personal. This is not aware of the secrets, but you know these signs, such as weather forecasts and weather almost

And always remember that God is the creator of everything is the creator of human beings, and inanimate objects, plants and water, and the stars .... Etc..
Each Xi has the wisdom of God the Almighty .

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Aries This Year Aries 2013.2014

Aries This Year Aries 2013.2014

This Year: Aries

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview Uranus continues to stir the pot for you in 2013, dear Aries, but especially so for those born March 25 to April 2nd, whose Sun receives the conjunction. This is a time for releasing attachments that are preventing you from moving forward. Watch for rebellious behavior, but do make changes that move you forward, past limitations, and towards a more authentic "you". Saturn has left its opposition to Aries, and this takes some of the direct pressure off your lives. Jupiter has moved into a harmonious relationship with your sign in the first half of the year, and is helping to open the lines of communication in your life. In the second half of 2013, although Jupiter will square your sign, this planet of abundance will nevertheless feed your sense of security and stability, and many Aries will find this transit comforting, particularly given all of the changes that have been taking place in your lives. There will be times when you will need to slow yourself down and choose your battles wisely, particularly in May and October-November. Heavyweight planets are directly affecting the sectors of your chart that rule how the world views you, both professionally and personally.

You continue to move away from false paths that no longer serve you well, or transforming them into more suitable ones. Overall, however, you have plenty of opportunity this year to find comfort at home or with family. In fact, this is a year in which the major key to success is learning when it's time to slow down. Impulsiveness, while it's a signature Aries trait, should be tamed somewhat in 2013. Planning more carefully for your future is important, particularly with finances on the leaner side (there may be less support from others, for example). Save as much as possible. Good energy is with you for dealing with debt. Love and romance are unlikely to make headlines for you this year (2014 is more likely to be a year of change in this department), The desire to move to a larger home or to create the illusion of more space by eliminating clutter is strong in the second half of the year. If circumstances allow, this can be a good time to launch new projects or even a business. Many of you would prefer not to travel in 2013. Relationships with siblings and possibly neighbors can be stimulating and even healing, and activities close to home (and on or in the home) are very appealing now. 

Taurus This Year Taurus 2013.2014

Taurus This Year Taurus 2013.2014

This Year: Taurus

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview 2013, for the most part, should be a stabilizing period for you, dear Taurus, and for some, a humbling time. From June 2011 to June 2012, Taurus enjoyed a particularly abundant, expansive period while Jupiter travelled through your sign. In 2013, Saturn asks Taurus to pare down after a period of some excesses, particularly if a bloated ego or too-high expectations were involved. Now it's time for a reality check and a maturing process. Fortunately, many Taureans are also experiencing planetary support at the same time, from Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, and from June to December, Jupiter. Yes, Saturn opposing your sign will bring some challenges, but overall, you're in good shape this year. It's not especially well-known about Taurus, but they take their social lives to heart - their relationships not only with a close partner, but also with siblings, neighbors, and friends. 2013 is a year for enriching all of these relationships, even if some "pruning" may be in order. While partnerships can demand more time and energy, or a  more serious approach, you are nevertheless building up your sense of community and belonging this year. A partner or sibling might help you to realize a long-term dream, business, or project. You will need to take a good, hard look at where you stand in your close personal relationships, and in terms of your life path. There will be times when you feel that others are not as sympathetic towards you than they normally are. It's time to assess what and who is most important and worthwhile to you.  With your acceptance that at this time in your life, things may move at a slower speed, you can make a lot of progress. It's only when you push too hard, too fast, that you encounter serious resistance this year. This period in your life is a time for building a solid foundation. Understand that moderation at this point in your life is necessary for your spiritual growth and your physical body as well. Some of you will be making big commitments this year, and others might end a long-term relationship - it will depend very greatly on how strong any existing relationship is. Finances are looking quite nice this year, as long as you are moderate with your spending. Friendships are colorful. More day-to-day contact with friends and family, and even in-laws, can be healing and pleasurable.

Gemini This Year: Gemini 2013.2014

Gemini This Year: Gemini 2013.2014

This Year: Gemini

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview
Jupiter continues to move through your sign until June, dear Gemini, and if you haven't taken advantage of this beneficial cycle yet, Jupiter's direct motion from February to June is a great time to do so. It's about positive new beginnings, turning over a new leaf, and expressing yourself without apology. Be proud of who you are. This is also a good time to attract a partner, or enhance an existing partnership. Besides putting yourself "out there" and expressing yourself with confidence, one of the best things you can do for yourself in 2013 is to fine-tune your work, health, and daily routines. You are in need of more structure when it comes to these things, and while it involves effort and persistence, you'll thank yourself for doing it. Orderliness will be empowering, and paying closer attention to deadlines, details, and rules will help tidy up your own mind and emotions so that you feel freer to enjoy yourself when pleasure calls, which it is likely to do frequently! The second half of the year brings a stronger need to feel rooted, secure, and comfortable. If you've played your cards right, a raise, bonus, large gift, or some other material increase can come into your life. Even if material benefits are not obvious during Jupiter's transit of your solar second house (from late June 2013 to July 2014), it can be a time of indulgence and abundance. It's a great time to build on existing projects and businesses.

In August, however, you may need to deal with the reality of debts, loss of some form of support, or some power struggles over money or possessions. There can be some slowdowns in business or work this year, likely centered around Mercury retrograde periods, but changes you are making put you in a great position for future, long-term growth. Many Geminis will be starting or growing businesses this year that will benefit them for years to come. This will not come without hard work and persistence, but you are likely to enjoy the process more if you work on those things that really matter in the long term. Love relationships look strong this year. While in many ways this is a "me" year, the "we" part is likely to run quite smoothly. However, one or more friendships may be tested this year, with changing values and lack of support the larger issues. 2013 is potentially excellent for putting a bad habit behind you, and health is likely to improve as a result.
2013 Overview for all Geminis.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Cancer: This Year Cancer 2013.2014

This Year Cancer 2013.2014

This Year: Cancer

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview While there are some ongoing conflicts to iron out in 2013, overall, it's a stabilizing, positive year for you, dear Cancer. Until June, Jupiter continues to move through your solar twelfth house, and you pay more attention to your spiritual life as well as your need for privacy. You can be especially supportive of others during this period, sometimes to an extreme extent. At times as well, you might feel like escaping into your own little private world, where it seems safer and happier. In a general sense, with Jupiter in your privacy sector, you don't feel especially equipped to make big changes or choices. By June, you are ready to ask for what you deserve. This is when Jupiter begins its year-long transit of your own sign. In August especially, this can cause some friction, possibly because others, especially partners and close friends as well as family, have grown accustomed to your "laying low" and the support you've given them with few conditions.

However, overall, this is a positive transit in which you are coming into your own, discovering your need to express yourself, and drawing upon inner stores of confidence. Freedom is something you seek, but be wary of the costs of freedom when it's pursued without necessary attention to responsibilities. This is a good period for attention to physical fitness and health routines, as you are more aware of how these positively impact your energy and confidence. Work may be especially available to you at this time, and you tend to take charge instead of hide from its responsibilities. Love is likely to be complicated, as you begin to demand a little more from it. You may be dealing with difficult personalities, and if you're single, you might feel a lack. However, for many of you, a romance might stabilize and move to a new level. For those with children, the need for more structure becomes apparent, particularly with a first child who may be going through some growing pains. Career continues to be a sort of wild card for you. Either you are moving towards identifying with a new path, or some changes are introduced upon you, forcing you to rethink things. Even so, you feel successful, particularly in the second half of the year, and you bring a positive spirit to many areas of life, including career. 2013 is about blossoming and demanding a little more from your life, and you're likely to get it.

2013 Overview for all of Cancer.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Leo This Year Leo 2013.2014

This Year Leo 2013.2014

Yearly Horoscope: 2013 Predictions for Leo

This Year: Leo

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview
Until June, and especially from February forward, it's a time for making connections and formulating new ideas, dear Leo. Your social circle is expanding, although you might want to watch for excesses in this area. While the saying goes that you can never have too many friends, you don't want to spread yourself thin. Similarly, avoid beginning so many new projects that you scatter yourself across them. Friends can be supportive, and, for some Leos, romance is tied with friendship or group associations. Your team spirit is very strong now, and you might make wonderful contributions to a group or with associates that you can truly feel proud of. When it comes to home and family, in 2013, you can feel that the walls are closing in on you at times. There can be a feeling of heaviness when it comes to your responsibilities or you literally feel cramped in your personal space. There can also be a sense that you are alone and in charge, emotionally speaking. However, you have the chance to restructure your domestic life by bringing more order to it. Jupiter's entry into the sign behind yours in late June can be considered a retreat of sorts - a year-long cycle that prepares you for Jupiter's transit through your own sign starting in July 2014. You come into closer touch with your spiritual and emotional renewal needs now, and you might find that you're doing a lot for others, usually quite voluntarily. Large decisions may be deferred to a later date. While there can be times that you feel "in limbo", you can choose to take full advantage of this period for extra rest, and for learning to love your privacy and "alone time" with yourself. In fact, you might very well enjoy your own company! Love becomes private somehow during this period. You might be keeping quiet about a relationship or about your feelings, or you could be making some sacrifices for someone you love. You might also be dealing with an ending of a relationship that is no longer viable. You are becoming especially tolerant and compassionate now. Daily habits and routines are transforming again this year, and you have many opportunities to make important changes. Don't pass up on travel opportunities and connections made with people overseas or of a vastly different culture than yours. These experiences can be eye-opening and beneficial.

2013 Overview for all Leos.

Virgo This Year Virgo 2013.2014

This Year: Virgo

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview Particularly from February to June, you are likely to enjoy some form of promotion, positive exposure, or career recognition, dear Virgo. You are learning to "own" what you do in 2013, and feeling more comfortable in a position of authority. You are also communicating with more authority, or honing your knowledge in a particular trade or area of knowledge/expertise. However, some people in your life might complain that you are not as available for idle chit-chat during this time. You are taking more pride in your home and family. The second half of the year brings a new focus, and it's a time when your social life increases. Through groups or friends, you might seek a sense of belonging and comfort, and you're likely to find it! This is also a time for new and exciting ideas for future growth and happiness. You are entertaining dreams of where you'd like to go with your life, and while it was your professional life that you were more interested in in the first half of 2013, you are more concerned with personal happiness, ideals, and long-term goals in the second half. There can be a cause that you work towards enthusiastically, possibly related to family. Business income is likely to be strong. However, money from another source, possibly a partner, ex-partner, or lender may be unreliable this year, so there can be some worries about money. Love relationships might be complicated at times, as you explore alternative options, but overall, they're likely to be considerably more stable this year. For some of you, the second half of the year can involve a friendship morphing into something more, but for most of you, patience and a sense of peace with what you have or what you want is with you now. Single Virgos are not as anxious, preferring to wait for something that truly feels right, rather than settle for something that doesn't, and coupled Virgos feel more content this year. Teaming up with others can figure strongly in 2013, and can bring some real benefits to your life. You are working harder this year at communicating more effectively and building your level of expertise. You are dissatisfied with sloppy learning or holes in your thinking and want to refine your skills and knowledge. You might meet people who inspire you and motivate you to be the best you can be, simply because they see the best in you.

2013 Overview for all Virgos. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stars expectations: This Year Libra 2013.2014

Stars expectations: This Year Libra 2013.2014: This Year: Libra 2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview 2013 should be a strong year for work and business, dear Libra. In the first half o...

Libra This Year Libra 2013.2014

This Year: Libra

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview 2013 should be a strong year for work and business, dear Libra. In the first half of the year, you are actively building your skills and experience. By midyear, expansive Jupiter's rise to the very top of your solar chart marks a personal peak of sorts - a cycle that's with you for approximately a year. Take advantage of the cycle from January to June by learning as much as possible so that when Jupiter does reach its peak in June-July, you'll be able to take advantage of the career opportunities that are likely to come your way. You'll also feel more deserving of the recognition you receive then and through to mid-2014. There can be favorable connections made with people far away from you, and some Libras will get published or reach a broader audience. Saturn's presence in your money and values sector can promote a feeling that you're pinched in the money department, but this can serve to motivate you to work harder and save more - two good things! In the second half of the year, you'll have Jupiter telling you that you deserve more and that you should reach for the stars; and you'll have Saturn reminding you that you have to "get real" and consider important details. Luckily, these planets harmonize with each other much of the year, and this helps you to find a very nice balance. You are also bringing more imagination to the work you do, and your intuition can serve you very well. There will be times this year when you need to consciously push yourself to go after what you want. In the process, try your best to avoid worrying about coming across as "nice" and "good". You are these things - you don't need to prove it. You don't want to miss out on opportunities to advance out of fear of losing others' approval. Love continues to challenge you this year by forcing you out of your comfort zone from time to time, and particularly in May and October-November. Mid-March to mid-April can bring surprising circumstances to your relationships. Don't fall back on familiar patterns now - they won't work. Mix things up and think outside of the box. However, if others are slipping in and out of your life and you feel taken advantage of, do stand your ground. You are likely to invest more heavily into home and family in 2013, and some of you will be running home-related businesses or will be working from home. You are cautious with your money, and this is necessary right now.

2013 Overview for all Libra. 

Scorpio This Year Scorpio 2013.2014

This Year: Scorpio

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview There is no doubt that Saturn's presence in your sign all year puts some pressure on you, dear Scorpio. 2013 may be demanding at times. Nevertheless, it's also bound to be very rewarding. In many ways, you are learning to count on yourself, and your relationship with yourself of course affects all life "departments" in profound ways. The responsibilities that you have let slide in the past now are coming up for close attention, and while it can sometimes feel like an onslaught, you are more than equipped to meet the challenges. Keep in mind that those things that you've managed well in the past are now being rewarded. Saturn is karmic in nature - you are experiencing what you are due at this point in time. Saturn and your ruler are in mutual reception throughout Saturn's transit of your sign, and this can be wonderfully supportive. You may very well enjoy the process as you can feel that you're getting your life back on track. The process of getting closer to your true self will involve some restructuring of your attitudes and thinking processes. The ways you communicate with others are being overhauled, refined, and redefined. You actually have much power to persuade, lead, and defend. While in a general sense your best source of support this year is yourself, Jupiter is helping you out until June by way of some financial and/or emotional support from others, and especially from a partner or close friend. Intimacy is improved. Combining your own resources, talents, and/or money with a partner can improve your own financial outlook. The second half of the year is especially growth-oriented in more explicit, tangible ways. If you get the chance to travel, you should take it, as benefits can come through long-distance experiences and people. Creatively speaking, while your general demeanor may be on the serious side, you are discovering highly unique and creative ways of expressing yourself. You are looking for more from love - it's increasingly about intimacy as well as mystical or romantic elements. You are attracting unusual, sometimes elusive or mysterious, people into your experience. Romantic and creative opportunities soar in February and March. Money matters are mostly strong in 2013. Avoid carelessness or neglect when it comes to daily routines and health. There may be a tendency to ignore your body's needs for adequate rest, exercise, or nutrition this year, and you should be especially mindful of these things in August.

2013 Overview for all Scorpios. 

Sagittarius This Year Sagittarius 2013,2014

This Year: Sagittarius

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview While close relationships are in strong focus this year, Sagittarians in 2013 tend to be a little more private and introspective than usual. You might meet somebody who deepens your intimate life in wonderful ways, opening you up to new ways of expressing yourself intimately; or those of you who are already attached might deepen their relationship similarly. New depths (and heights) can be experienced now and add to your inner glow. Love matters should be quite strong this year, with significant partnerships a great focus. Partnerships fare better than more casual love relationships, the latter being a bit of a wild card in your life right now, as it was last year. Single Sagittarians can be meeting some exciting and unusual people, but permanency is in question. People may come and go, or your own tastes may vacillate. Money matters are significantly improved compared to recent years. Even so, you may be downsizing with personal possessions and going through restructuring, possibly putting some business projects to rest. You can be very resourceful when it comes to recycling or using what you already own in different ways. The sale of some possessions can figure strongly, or you might find unique products to sell and market. Creative Sagittarians are breaking out of ruts and exploring highly unique or alternative art forms. Many of you are exploring new hobbies or different forms of recreation and entertainment. Dreams may be troubling at times, as some of you could be wrestling with guilt or lack of closure when it comes to matters of the past. It will be of enormous benefit if you can settle these matters, because if they are left to fester, they can undermine your progress. Financial support in the form of loans or shared resources tends to be easier to come by in the second half of the year, but it will be important to watch your borrowing habits. Many of you are thinking about your dream home or idyllic domestic conditions, and your chances of turning at least some of your dreams into a reality are strong, particularly in July. There can be good publicity this year, and your ability to meet others halfway (and often further) tends to open up social possibilities and opportunities. You are generous by nature with your ruling planet expansive Jupiter. With Jupiter moving through two sectors of your chart associated with partners and close friends, you are directing much of this generosity to significant others. Enjoy yourself as you do, but watch for overblown expectations or promises that may be hard to keep at a later date.

Capricorn This Year Capricorn 2013.2014

This Year: Capricorn

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview 2013 brings a fuller social life to your world, dear Capricorn.  When it comes to friendships, networking, and group associations, it's about quality and depth rather than quantity, as this area of your life is being streamlined. You also have a chance to restructure your long-term goals, as you are more discriminating and realistic about what you are capable of achieving. There is less pressure to prove yourself or to perform this year, and more joy in plugging away at what you do best. In the first half of the year, watch that you don't overload your life with additional responsibilities. Work should be quite available to you. While relationships continue to challenge you, especially with family, 2013 is a year in which you are reminded at almost every turn just how much you need others. All year, acquaintances and friends tend to support you. Jupiter's presence in your opposing sign (Cancer) from June 25th forward is likely to bring helpful, happy people into your experience, and for some of you, a partner who truly makes you feel good about yourself. Existing partnerships can bring joy as well. Especially in August, however, you will need to allow others more freedom by backing off from controlling or manipulative behavior. Experience your own freedom by giving up some of the need to control events and people. With Pluto in your sign, this can be difficult, as you are learning about your personal power, sometimes through challenging life lessons and experiences. Pluto will have the greatest impact on Caps born December 31-January 2, who will be taking a deep look within as they uncover facets of their personality that they haven't yet accepted or even acknowledged, and this can be uncomfortable at times. With the North Node in your solar eleventh house, it's especially important for you to establish yourself as a team player. Home life remains a little unsettled, and some of you can feel that your current set-up is impermanent. There can be some shuffling around, redecorating, a move, or experiences with family that leave you feeling uprooted in some way, particularly in April-May and October-November. Certainly, you can be putting more money into your family and home life this year. Overall health may be improved, communications are rewarding (you're finding your voice!), and alliances are formed or strengthened in 2013.

2013 Overview for all Capricorns.

Aquarius This Year Aquarius 2013.2014



This Year: Aquarius

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview
Not everyone knows this about your sign, dear Aquarius, but people born under this sign and those with an Aquarius Ascendant really take their career, income, and service to others to heart. They need to feel good on a deep level about what they do in order to feel good about themselves. In 2013, you will dig deep into true motives and feelings about practical matters, and you have the chance to come to a harmonious position or stance. While the steps you take may not be giant or quick, you can be making significant changes as you come to a better understanding of what it is you can and want to do in your work. You'll also discover some of your most natural talents and put them to work for you. The focus now is on really enjoying what you do. Although work can bring joy, it can also bring some challenges. Discriminate carefully when it comes to taking on new work or projects. There can be some feelings of blockage before you move forward. Circumstances will conspire to remind you of the importance of structure, responsibility, and reputation in your life. It's time to realign your goals with what's inside. Many of you will be making changes so that your career path better reflects the principles closest to your heart. But 2013 is certainly not all about work, especially in the first half of the year, when you find new avenues for entertainment and self-expression open up to you. Early February and late May are especially strong for fun and games, and also for romance. August can be busy with revelations and epiphanies for close relationships, but it can also be a time when you are tempted to overload yourself with work, so do your best to strike a good balance. Also, take extra care of your health in August. All year, you are making big changes in terms of growing past stubborn attitudes and beliefs, communicating more openly and frequently, and changing deeply ingrained habits and systems of doing things. There can be times when private or past matters come to light and, while it may feel uncomfortable at first, it can also help release you from the past. You are redefining your attitude towards money and possessions this year. While others may not always notice your struggles or rush to your aid this year with Saturn in challenging aspect to your sign, you nevertheless have some good energy with you to express yourself creatively and originally, and your personal magnetism runs high.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Pisces This Year Pisces 2013.2014


This Year: Pisces

2013 Yearly Horoscope Overview The year 2013 is stronger for relationships of all kinds, and especially love and "fun" friendships, dear Pisces. You're also a lot more grounded and confident. Ideally, you use the transit of Jupiter to your solar fourth that began in June of last year and ends in June of this year to the utmost - filling your inner well and strengthening ties with family. This way, by the second half of 2013, you can bring more natural confidence to a new cycle that involves exploring your more playful, dramatic, and creative side. It's a great year for home improvements of all kinds. Again this year, however, finances can be up and down. However, with Saturn no longer leaning up your secondary financial sector, you're in a slightly better position now with a better outlook for money sources beyond your personal income, including bonuses, a partner's contribution, and loans. It's your own income that requires some change. When it comes to money, you are challenged to think outside the box in order to come up with viable plans to improve your finances. Love is easier this year - considerably so. Serious relationships are less strained. Intimacy challenges lift. Romantic, playful, and casual relationships in the second half of 2013 can be easy to find (possibly a little too easy at times!). New avenues for recreation, amusement, creative expression, and hobbies can open up. This is a good year for stabilizing and organizing many areas of your life. The first week of February is an opportunity period that can involve partnership and financial gain. It's also strong for work in teams and for cementing friendships, although there can be rocky times with some friends or groups that you're associated with. Your values are changing, and they sometimes seem in stark contrast to those of friends. You are looking for solid answers and adjusting your belief system in major ways. Events might occur that have you thinking more deeply about your beliefs and morals. You can assume a leadership or teaching role this year quite naturally. You are able to talk about spiritual matters in an accessible way. In fact, throughout 2013, others can be quite intrigued with your unique vision.